Tuesday 28 January 2014

Vitamin D deficiency

What is Vitamin D deficiency?

I have quickly learned what it is because I have it!

Apparently,  it is very common these days,  especially for us living in the northern hemisphere.  This winter time there are many of us walking around with less than ideal levels of Vitamin D in our systems.

How do I get tested?

Go for a blood test to find out.  It seems,  like most of the medical profession it depends where you are in the world as to what your levels should be.  You can try looking on the net but that just gets confusing!

My levels are low - what should I do?

Speaking to your doctor is a good place to start.  He will likely give you a supplement to take.  It's important not to take too much vitamin D as it is hard for the body to get rid of excess and it can end up causing a little problem.

I think I might be low in vitamin d

There are many symptoms.  For me,  I have found I was feeling a little blue.  I never suffered with the winter S.A.D before.  Although lots of different deficiencies can cause you to feel below par.  I would suggest taking good care of yourself.  Increase the natural food you eat that contains vitamin d and calcium as these are both needed to be absorbed into the body.

When it's sunny in the summer,  that will help! get out there for 10 minutes a day with no sunscreen.  Don't burn of course!

My tips for taking care of yourself:

I need to watch my health as I have Crohns and Coeliac.  This means my insides don't quite work the same as everyone else.  After lots of research I have found these were the best tips.

*  Get to bed before midnight each night and sleep at least 7 hours.
*  Eat a variety of fresh foods.  Ones with no labels on are the best.  Such as fresh meat and veg.
*  Careful on caffine intake.  This can cause dehydration and upset tummy. If you suffer palpitations,  lowering caffiene might help.
*  Don't over eat.  But eat regularly.  Without eating all day long,  your body gets stressed,  wondering when the next meal might be and using cortisol to sustain those stress levels which helps give you a big tummy.  Eat regularly.
*  Keep sugars only to treat time,  don't eat lots! Whenever I have lost weight,  it has been because I have lowered my sugar intake.
*  Try to stop watching depressing tv, scary stuff or the news.  Put happy and nice things into your brain instead.  Laugh every day.
*  Walk more.  Talking about vitamin d and bones,  keeping moving helps lower the chances of osteoperosis.

Ok so please remember I'm not a doctor and you must always consult a professional if you have any issues.  I just am a person who goes through it a bit and have decided to help myself as much as possible with research! On the back of this,  I pass it on to you,  with love

Louise xoxox

Friday 17 January 2014

What do people expect from blogs these days?

Hey everyone

As the title suggests, there is lots of conflicting advice out there these days regarding blogging.

Folks are telling us that the traditional type of blog which is almost like an online diary of our lives is going a little out of fashion.  I'm not sure I agree.  I read lots of blogs which are of great interest to me.  Although,  occasionally, it can just take one comment that is off your scale for you to switch off.


A lovely lady who's blogs I was enjoying got a little high on her horse.  She devoted an entire blog to complaining about how it was such a chore to keep writing as she had sponsored blog posts to write and an audience waiting in anticipation.  Goodness me!

Doesn't she realise that many of her readers would give their right arm to be paid to blog?

It made  me think in typical human fashion "What a moaner...."  and I haven't been back to read since.  These types of blogs are very much tailored to a reading fan base.

However, more recently it seems that blogs with a typical subject will hold readers for far longer.

I write for another blog http://www.salon-coach.blogspot.com which, as the title suggests is coaching for salon people.  Without much promotion, this blog is getting  picked up lots by the google robots as people are typing in certain search terms.  Obviously,  if they decide they would like to learn more, they will subscribe.  Lovely.

So what's your take on it?  Why do you blog? 

For yourself?  For your audience?  Do you have an audience?  Many blogs can get thousands of visits a day! 

Another subject for another time is:  Which sites do you find are best to host on?  Self hosted or free ones like these?

Until then,

Louise xoxoxo


Wednesday 15 January 2014

The Atkins Diet

Hey lovelies

Have you ever tried the Atkins diet?

How did you feel?

Were you successful?

I'm a fan of the Atkins plan.  I tweak it slightly to deal with my Crohns but the last time I was on Atkins i felt better than I head felt in a long time and lost 35lbs too! That's a lot.  Took me about 3 months I think I remember.

Anyhow,  I stumbled upon a Youtube video that I thought I would share here with you all as I found it really interesting.  It's a total documentary from the BBC.  Very well done the BBC.

If you goto my video you will find the link underneath in the description.  Hope it helps someone.  Gives you all the answers about the controversy!  Made me see even clearer than before. 



Tuesday 14 January 2014

I Am That Meditation

My lovely friends and readers

I'm sharing something very close to my heart today.  Let me open up a little to you.

Back in 2009 I discovered,  "The Secret".  This totally changed my life.  Like,  totally.  
I've written about it lots on this blog.  You might want to read this one too.  So fast forward to now;  what have I learned?

I now know that I need to use the Law of Attraction with respect and to do the 'inner work' regularly.  Without the stuff that helps you to make positive manifestations,  you can make negative ones.  If none of this makes any sense to you whatsoever then I totally understand,   it was gobbledegook to me too.  Maybe you need my beginners guide book.  Then again,  there is always Youtube.

Loving to share these videos with you all, I am once again sharing one of my favourites.  

Wayne Dyer has me mesmerized for hours.  I love the way he presents and I love the way he makes things easy to understand.  

The above video is pretty deep with a powerful mediation at the end of it.  I always find when I use this mediation that things become very clear for me and I know at that moment in time exactly what I should be doing.  After the meditation I can be the worlds worst for letting the human aspect kick in and almost arguing with the mediation.

"No, surely not,  everyone says you can't succeed at stuff like that..."  etc..  You hear those voices too?

So go head and take some time out to see the above video.  You will love it.  Use mediation often.  

With love

Louise xoxoxoxo

Monday 13 January 2014

Monday, Monday.....

Hey there!

So how was your weekend?

I've a confession......I took the entire weekend off. 

Yes, properly off.  Didn't work,  did the odd social media bit (as you do!) but I was off with the family. It's been a time of closeness and love recently with my lovely family and I have felt that this year is clearing out loads of rubbish from last year and so.....we decided to take Harley to the Pet shop amongst other things,  to chose himself a bone!

Not sure about your neck of the woods but it's so muddy around these parts that he needs his little paw washed each time we go out these days! We thought the pet shop would be a much better idea.

He loved it! Have a look at the photos!

ps,  I would love you to come find me on my other platforms - http://www.louiseusher.co.uk/p/where-to-find-me-and-follow-me.html

"Hey, we are all the same colour" Harley said

Loved the guinea pigs

"Whats that?!"

Harleys favourite! See the video above!

Have a great week everyone!

Louise xoxoxo


Thursday 9 January 2014

Technical glitches and frustration..

Oh would you believe it?!

I made the most edited YouTube video yet. All sparkes and magic all over it and talking openly and honestly about my plans... Darn thing just keeps crashing. 

For some reason iMovie isn't keen on it. Maybe I'll manifest a new desktop mac...

Trying hard to keep the online presence up while still writing and doing the day job can have its challenges. Yet with my upcoming hospital appointment this afternoon I decided to chill. 

Not sit on the sofa with feet up, you understand. Just made a pot of mint tea, lit my Yankee candle (clean cotton) and I'm going to focus on writing. 

Hope you all enjoy your day :0)

Louise xoxo

Ps if you're following my bloglovin' it's not updating and I don't know why. The lovely people at bloglovin will no doubt fix it I hope...

Wednesday 8 January 2014

I have a new record!

Thanks to the universe,   I have a new all time viewing record! Yesterdays stats blew me away.

Now that I've really taken control of my dreams and have started to put them into practise it's all happening and I'm so happy!!!

Thank you guys for following.  Please keep sharing the love!

I'm editing a new Youtube video today so I'll let you know when it's posted.

Sending much love as always xoxoxox


Tuesday 7 January 2014

Things are changing around here

So guys, you might have guessed from the title,  things are going to be changing around here. 

All for  the better.  Did you read my blog I Quit!? 

Today,  while taking a lie in,  I decided to put together the sweetest 30 second video for my Youtube channel to celebrate the changes.  There will be more once I have done my hair and make up but you get the drift?  Hope you enjoy it. 

Sending much love


First Choice

Monday 6 January 2014

Not a 2013 round up

Hello! I decided to do a NOT 2013 round up.

I've really enjoyed my fellow bloggers round up-y type of blog posts but for me,  it's a year I'd rather forget for the most part.  Although of course there are great parts about the year too and those people who made it that way for me are amazing.  Instead,  I will show you some photos from the New Years eve party which made me have a little sad cry as we said hello to a brand new year...


It's here,  I'm happy and no doubt as this new week begins,  you will all be getting back to the old routines once again like nothing had happened.

How was your new year?  What plans do you have for this new year?  Please leave me your comments below!

Mum and Dad bought me these! It was my birthday New Year Eve!

Can't have a party without balloons!

And crackers and blowers to get on your nerves! 

Great Cracker joke!

Scary clown making those balloon noises!

Me and my lovely Jas with our ever-so posh nails!

More scary than the clown - our Maitre d'hotel looked scarily like my ex

Pretty decs in the hotel

Such a lovely night was had by all.  Wishing all my readers a happy new year.  May all your dreams come true!

Louise xoxoxox


Sunday 5 January 2014

It's time to quit!

Yes,  just as the title suggests -  I Quit!!!!

Quit what?  Well, tighten the seatbelt and hold on tight for a very open and honest blog post coming here.  

For far too long I've been holding back.  This is something I've been studying for a long time - why people hold back.  My conclusion is this:

* We are afraid of what others might say
* We don't want to get it wrong
* If we don't try to do what we really want to do then it will still always be a dream
* Sometimes, doing nothing is safer.

Then I just came across this blog post from someone who emails me occasionally.  He is Richard and he's a coach and he has written beautifully:

"So what if you come from a “tribe” whose common belief is “dreams don’t come true”?  …and that hard work is the only way to get to retirement in one piece?
Or what if your peers, maybe even your lover, all agree that imbibing mind-altering substances is the only way to live, man?
Your instinct will be to follow those beliefs or behaviors because not doing so means breaking away from the “tribe” – and your instinct tells you that’s dangerous!"
See more of this blog by clicking here (this is not sponsored but fits beautifully in with my blog I'm writing here).

So what about me?  
Little ol me... how does this affect me? 

There's something I must tell you.  Maybe you will relate and feel the same too.

I've had a situation for some time now.  In 2009 something happened 'to' me.  I'm still not sure what.  Yet doors began to really open for me.  It was the most odd thing ever.  I got really unwell......(like a clearing) and my mind opened up to totally new stuff.  New ways of thinking. Ways that were alien to me.  Just as Richard says in his blog post.....sometimes we are taught to white knuckle ride life to get to retirement in one piece and be thankful for it.
Beginning to question life and what the flip was going on,  I started reading books that 'called' to me.  Then something struck me: 

I was in fact able to enjoy life!

No way?

Yes!  The meaning of life was JOY.

To me, this was just amazing and honestly life sure did change.  Now, we all have had dreams and all kept them in mind but doing something about it is something different.  Even the idea that I could live out the life of my dreams left me more than confused.  I was questioning everything.

I wrote a blog (click here) about why people take action on a dream.

So here I am,  5 years on..............5 years on.........lots has happened.  Life has changed.  I have changed.  Yet still, I walk on egg shells with those old beliefs haunting me.

Go away Old Beliefs.

So, I quit.

I quit from stopping following my dreams.  From now on,  within this blog,  you will see me talking about matters of the heart and taking action and making my life happen.  I believe I have lots to share that can make a difference to YOU and I really want to make my life purpose sharing the findings from You tube and the internet from other gurus who are teaching me.
Also,  I have been told in no uncertain terms by a dear online friend of mine,
"You don't want to be an author,  you ARE an author.  You are on amazon already,  you have a successful blog,  now go write those other books."

To which I replied,
"Yes, it's really my dream."

So now I have figured out what has been holding me back and I have decided to really go for it.  If I never do it,  I'll never know how amazing it can be.

Books I'm currently writing are:
"IVF- Happiness in Vitro?" which tells the story of my IVF journey which is both hilarious and tear jerking at the same time.
"Journey into my life purpose" which is a journal type book showing practical tips and advice on how to grow an online audience.  This is also very honest and I rant at the bad days and celebrate the good.

Following these books I'm pretty sure I will go down more of a path of novels but based on Law of Attraction and also have the romance genre following through.  I am totally excited about this idea and I would love you to come onboard and support me in this journey to success.  Currently, I'm only featured on Amazon but via Smashwords will be getting onto WH Smith,  Barnes and Noble, Kobo and others.

I'm very excited about this.  Now here's the deep bit.

All the while I'm trying hard to smother the fires of desire I have felt very unhappy.  This has affected many areas of my life and it's time to stand up and say "I'm going to give it a blinking good try!"

It's time.  I'd love you to support me.  Follow my blog, my youtube channel, my twitter and see if you can spot a difference in how things now go forward.

Needless to say,  while writing books, there is always a lack of income so if you feel you would like to sponsor this blog you can do by clicking the sponsor tab.  I'd love to have you onboard.  Currently,  this blog is attracting 300 visitors a day (pretty impressed with that,  thanks audience.)

So for now,  signing out (Thanks for reading this far) and I hope you get some use out of the links I will share and the ramblings of my book writing journey that I would love to take you on with me.

Much love from

Louise the Author!

First Choice

Thursday 2 January 2014

Which diet should you go for?

It's a real minefield isn't it!

So many different diets out there on the market,  of course always with skinny gorgeous models to promote them who never demonstrate that they may break out in a sweat and work out really hard at the gym too……

What are you to do?

How do you know what works for you and what doesn't before you invest time and money in the said diet.
Over the next few blogs I will review my knowledge of the 'diets' listed below for you so you can have a think about what might work for you.  They are all so different aren't they!
Personally,  my favourite is Atkins, or general Low carb diets.  They seem to be the ones that have the greatest chance of fitting into your every day life for longevity and also a really good weight loss can be achieved from them too.  It's a tricky one for vegetarians really unless you like an awful lot of green vegetables.  I guess you'd be hungry without the meat based protein.  

My opinion is that we should all do well cutting down on some sugars!  I get a little frustrated at the low fat diets.  I know we shouldn't eat loads of bad fats but we still need the good fats.  It can get complicated but the good fats help lower the bad cholesterol.  Sugar however, has no good properties pretty much whatsoever.

So here you will find a list of books in relation to the most popular diets.  Click the links to download.

  This diet you will feast for 5 days, fast for 2 days

Famous Atkins Low carb diet,  gets your body into Ketosis which burns your fat stores fast

The ever famous Weight watchers cook book. This diet works on points values, based on calories and low fat

 Are you a slimming world member? This book is great for you!

One of my personal favourites for anyone who has difficulty with any tummy issues.  If your stomach grumbles a lot and you suffer wind, pain, toilet troubles and have difficulty losing weight this could be your answer.  Great for intestinal issues and those unable to tolerate poly saccharides and di sacchirides

 Ketostix are great to see if you are in ketosis or not and if you are, by how far.  These are for low carb diets. Basically, you pee on them and wait for colour change

No experience of this diet but a few of my clients like this plan

 A client of mine lost weight slowly but surely on this diet.  She looks fab and is over 60 too.

 Now this idea I LOVE! It's also known as the blood group type diet! It works for me.

   General information about what we should be eating for optimum nutrition.  This is an in-depth educational journey which will enhance your life and your health.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss any further diets on here.  Which is your favourite?  Which do you have success with?  Please check back here for information on the Jason Vale Juicemaster 'stuff' which is coming soon.

Really hope this helps you.  Of course,  choose whichever plan suits you then come on over to my Facebook group to get the motivation you need from like minded others.  Click here for details.

Sending you much love for health and happiness

Louise xoxoxox

Wednesday 1 January 2014

So, you want to start a diet?

Happy New Year to you!

So have you fallen into the trap of wanting to start a diet?  Can you see a new year/new you?
Which faddy diet will you try for 12 days and then give up?

Hmmm........... most of us, let's be honest, would love a magic little pill we could take then wake up tomorrow with the most perfect body.

Would you?

I would too.

Is that going to happen?  No need to answer that.  Be honest here,  I know the trouble you have because I can relate to it too.  You are often found saying
'just one then, go on...'
'well I can be good again tomorrow'...
and very very very slowly a few pounds go on here and there and you then look at a photograph or try to put on that outfit or even worse look in the mirror with total shock and horror:

"How the heck did I get like this?!!!"

You are not alone and it's vitally important you know this.

Ok, so way forward is this,  come over to watch my video here and find out how you can easily get onboard with a weight loss group online.  You no doubt worry about walking into a weight loss group for the first time with nerves and embarrasment to be greeted with a long queue of others feeling insignificant too.  Now I know this is a big deal for you to take the first step.  I also know you are capable of weighing in yourself at home.  What you should avoid doing is trying to go it alone.

Not only do you need help with motivation but tips and tricks on ho to lose weight,  what diet plan to chose, how to change life bit by bit to make yourself healthier as an ongoing plan, you know what else you need?
Support and encouragement.

So,  with my weight loss VIP group I know that once you've signed up, you are serious about getting that figure you have dreamed of.   This shows me that my team need to be on tap to help you every step of the way.

You get access to links for books that may help you.
Links to apps where you can keep records of everything.
A downloadable sheet which gets into your mindset at every meal.
Systems to put into place to ensure that if the diet isn't working for you,  you can easily find out why and put it right.

Are you ready?  Is this going to be your year for change?  Are you sick and tired of not looking and feeling like you want to?

With visualisation and affirmations,  this plan is not like any other.  You know what you should be eating.  I know you do! 

What has stopped you from losing weight in the past?  It's all about you actually making small shifts and changes in your choices.  Making these need not be painful.  Although at Motivweight we do recognise that you need to keep your focus.  Just like an olympian.  The minute you feel unfocused and stop trying,  your efforts will be wasted.

Don't make 2014 another year where you avoid people taking photos of you.  Let's make this the year you punch the air and say "YES! I got to my goal."

Want to know what your goal should be?  I'm not going to shy away from telling you this.  Even if it seems like a mountain to climb.  You can't get there without the end result in mind.  You can do this.

Don't wait until the leftovers are gone.  Make this change today and start your journey.  I'm here to hold your hand.

Click here to join and find out more too.

Louise xoxoxox

PS if you have food intolerances or allergies this is my area of expertise so please feel free to ask any questions. I'd love you to help me spread the word so please share this post.

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.