Thursday 27 August 2020

Doing some inner work

 Where does the time go? We know it actually hasn’t the real ability to fly as such but this year is behaving so oddly isn’t it. 

Do you feel like you are in a dream? I do. A bubble perhaps.  I keep saying ‘back in the summer’ when i actually mean, ‘at Easter,’ - because the weather was so incredible and I seem to have lost track.

Which leads me nicely on to this long awaited blog post. It’s been too long.  As thou know if you are an original follower of this blog, i adore writing these posts but life has taken over so much recently.

It’s time to brig you up to speed and start to share with you all of the wisdoms i have been learning in my abs sense on this website.

The past few days i have been off of all social media except for my YouTube channel. The reason? To do some ‘inner work’.

The law of attraction is the reason this blog was born but i have completely got that one sorted now. I’m a powerful manifester but it has sure taken a lot of work to be able to step into my skin and say that. So it’s time to go deeper and begin to connect to higher powers than me and the results are outstanding. I feel totally different.

People are giving me more time in their daily passing of life, smiles, chats, people chatting in the queue and generally making me feel like I have illuminated their day, the location and the moment. Nice beyond words.  I am incredible thankful for my life right now and I feel I have so much to catch up with - I will spend some time bringing you up to date on this blog. 

This year I had a serious health scare and manifested the cells going away; a miracle if you like. I thank my higher powers for this ability every day. I am super blessed.  I have also allowed some wonderful trades into my house to create the loveliest space I could have dreamed of and the work has unfolded flawlessly. The workmen have been helpful and kind and I have learnt so much from them.  This will all be released on YouTube and documented in this blog and I have been asked to release a book about it!

Currently, I am offering FREE coaching for my viewers and subscribers.  Yup, completely free. If you just want to pop me a question via email, that’s fine. We can voice note or if you are local, you can shout me a coffee and we can have an hour of health or life coaching. Anything you feel you want to chat over.  If i can help you, I will. 

The biggest news of this year so far in my professional life is the release of the book Covid-19 How it made us feel.  If you haven’t heard about this collection of stories from a mix of authors you can read about it here.  I joked about with other people saying, you watch, this will end up a best seller and guess what - your wish is my command, said the universe and we went straight to bestseller status. Crazy isn’t it! 

I loved writing, editing and publishing this book. Holding it in my hand now is just a wonderful feeling and i have so many more books to come.  Get yours by clicking here. 

The house renovations have taken over but now the coffee shops are open more mainstream in my local area, I can take the laptop and get writing freely. I love it. 

Life is certainly a blessing right now. Yet a rocky ride. I’m human, just as you are and together we can learn to ride those waves and get ourselves the best life we can manifest. As always, I will help you with sharing my tips here.  I wish I had a little more time for writing just now but  this really was a one shot chance at getting my house sorted and renovated ready to launch head on into my full time writer status.  I will be back more than ever before really soon but in the meantime, reach out to me with your questions and don’t forget to leave comments on my YouTube channel as I have always responded to every one on there.  

Remember, if you are struggling, this is your time on this earth to own the place in which you are stepping in to yourself. You’ve got this.

Much love, as always

Louise xoxo

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.