Saturday, 28 December 2024

Tui Latest Deals

 It's Twixmas.

If you aren't fighting off a cold or flu, or still trying to sort the recycling, you might be looking to book your next holiday. 

Fair enough, I get it.

Somehow, I seem to have slipped into the world of travel writing. This is an exciting vocation that seems to have stemmed from looking at Gluten-Free menus within hotels. At times, my hawk's eye can show me some great deals.

Many of them are detailed below alongside some hotels I have been to in the past: Have a look and see what takes your fancy, if you were looking. 

I also created this video here, showing some of the hotels and my honest opinions about some of them.

I know many of you will be looking to book soon. I have been looking around at deals to be had. There is money off right now with TUI, for all bookings, but also I found this deal for the Coral Sea Water World in Sharm, Egypt. 

End of January, only £612.88pp based on two sharing. 

Have a look and see if anything grabs you.

Iceland last minute deals - including trips and City Centre Accommodation: 

For those of you wanting Mexico but aren’t too sure about where, I have compiled this list of deals I found, and I have sorted them in price from Low to high. Hopefully, something might be of interest there for you, and hopefully, this may be helpful. There is loads of hotel info on each individual hotel page. Please ask if you feel I can help at all. 

£511pp for a week all inclusive at the Globales in Menorca

The first week of the season is now on sale (price based on two sharing)

Have a look here: 

£640pp for a week at the Tui Blue Scheherazade in Tunisia? Yes please!

Have a look, see if you can apply the deals on here for your ideal dates.

£318pp! Are they kidding?

I found a deal for £318pp for a week all inclusive - see what deals can be used for your ideal dates at the Royal Kenz: (also in Tunisia)

Goodness, this is tempting: I have found a deal here for £412pp - are they joking? Trendy Lara in Turkey is such a bargain. 

I hope you are able to book something and get away somewhere lovely next year. I will be spending more time writing about travel than actually going, as I have a lot of work to catch up on. But I will be here, sharing my findings with you as I go.

I hope my videos and these links are helpful to some of you. I appreciate you using the links which truly support me bringing helpful content to these platforms (read more below).

I will be back to wish you a wonderful New Year, right before my birthday.

With much love

Louise xoxo 

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. This commission does not affect the price you pay. In line with UK regulations and ASA guidelines, I am making this clear to you as part of my commitment to transparency.


Monday, 23 December 2024

£7.42 made me feel I’d hit the jackpot.


£7.42 made me feel I’d hit the jackpot.

It’s not a lot of money.

Heck, I’ve just spent that on coffee and cake while I sit writing this piece. But here’s the thing: seeing that sum of money yesterday gave me a glimmer of positive enforcement towards my dreams.

My last book was released a month ago and it’s hit the bestseller charts again. I’ve seen some sales, and I’ve had positive feedback. I am overjoyed.

This has been a year of change and reflection for me as my academic path took a sudden diverted halt.

I read this post from Robin at A Mug of Insights yesterday about how he felt when he didn’t get the PhD place he fought hard for. There was a glimmer of joy within him.

I loved my job, and I miss it, but I have worked hard on making other things work, and the latest book is one of those things.

The day-to-day process of writing has filled me with excitement each morning as I have woken. Some days, I write from a wooden desk which is housed in the window of the coffee shop. Old ladies sit around me describing what a hybrid car is to one another, and the vibe is wholesome. I wonder if I could continue to write books like ‘Look an Elephant in the Eye’ and create YouTube videos while I’m on my path to researching the books (the current series is travel-related) and make a success of this life.

Signing these books is one of my favourite things to do 

Dream life:

I have stopped referring to writing as my dream life, as I feel no matter what you do, there will always be ups and downs. Life gives you things to navigate (like a poorly parent who we are hoping to have home in time for Christmas), and it’s natural to feel blue at times. But on the whole, I have been light and smiley the past few weeks while finishing up the book.

Writing feels as if it’s the thing which keeps me feeling positive in life. Last night, with heavy eyelids, I watched this episode of a conversation with Stephen Bartlett and Mel Robbins about having ‘a calling’. What are your thoughts on that? I will be 55 next week and it feels like a pivotal moment where I do have to sit up and pay attention to the constant draw to putting a pen to the page. I should be wise enough to know things, yet not too old to write my life off. Listening to the feeling inside hasn’t changed, since I was a little girl. I love to write things, I love to have a pen in my hand, and I love to tell stories.

Refreshing my Amazon page, I saw the number of page reads. It has brought in some money and has shown me the realised dream. People are reading my story.

A story of trying to be resilient, while facing the elephant in the room and calling out a taboo subject, I was nervous to share something so personal. But I have shared it. I have stepped into my brave era as I have remembered those who went before us and tried to make a change. I want other people to feel heard, and less alone. And I hope to help others feel better with my stories.

Me in Bangkok with the Big Golden Buddha

It’s kind of like printing my diary. I shared tales of the time I went to Asia for the first time this year. We went to ThailandVietnam and Abu Dhabi. Each place held a different vibe for me and took me on a moment of reflection. Journalling throughout, I captured the memories in all sorts of ways. Video, photos and journaling all helped me to craft this book. (Read the blurb here for more)

Would you consider keeping a journal, to help tell your story? You never know, you may just help touch another life and make a difference.

With love

Louise xoxo

PS- we hit bestseller in all three categories :)


Saturday, 14 December 2024

Egypt - I don't recognise you

 Egypt has changed


Fifteen years ago I visited Sharm for the first time and it changed my life.

That’s not an exaggerated version of the story, it did change my life. 


Revisiting the hotel, where I felt an awakening, was surreal. I’m sitting here now, writing this, and it’s unrecognisable—just my life. I could sit here and write quite happily, leaving the sun’s rays unattended. What is that feeling?


Coming back here again to research the book that will be the final book in the series, I didn’t know what to expect. I wanted to venture off the beaten track, go back to old places that held special memories, and take photos and videos to help me with the writing process. I got more than I bargained for.


The hotel I am in now is called the Pickalbatros Royal Moderna. It’s turned full circle to be here, as I had my ‘awakening’ shall we call it – in this hotel, 15 years ago.

Yesterday I searched through old photos and thankfully found some. Turning my phone screen to the management, I asked if this is actually the same place. Back then, terracotta rooves surrounded a swimming pool which has now changed shape. I was concerned that I hadn’t recognised any of this hotel at all. There’s even a swimming pool where I didn’t think there was a pool. It's new. The management assured me there have been major rebuilds going on. 

How it looked iin 2009



Afraid of forgetting things as they are, I wondered if keeping my YouTube videos was a genius idea. Writing from life dictates an element of truth and accuracy. I couldn’t plant a flying unicorn in the middle of this hotel, for example. For the purpose of the story, I could use an inaccurate memory of course, but this was bothering me how little I remembered.


Taking out my journal and pen, I decided to get my thoughts down about what exactly I was doing here. What was my aim or purpose? It certainly wasn’t ‘a holiday’ as people suggested. I can’t tell you the last time I took one of those – actually – it was the UK summer when I stayed in the tent. But when I travel, it is for the purpose of finding a story, creating YouTube videos and taking photos for my blog. Is this sustainable? Is this the end goal?

How do you even know what you are supposed to be doing? 

I would say, dig deep. Feel what’s inside and go from there. Of course, you need to be sensible but I found on this trip I feel a certain way. I feel I need to keep my faith in my writing and the books I produce. Time will tell of course but without a clear message, how can I expect people to be invested in my business? 


For a long time, I thought travel vlogging would likely be the route forward, but now I see it’s one of the things I do alongside my writing. 

Many years have passed since I began writing and my passions around biography and diaries has grown over that time. I feel it’s important we share those stories, which will remain even if a hotel has been rebuilt. 

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.