Friday, 17 November 2017

Are you craving winter sun like me?

Oh goodness!

I was so sure when we came back from our last holiday abroad that it might be our last big one as a family.  
With mums health failing and the twins being settled in relationships, I felt quite sure that would be that.  I could concentrate on my studies and maybe look to go again in the spring time.  

But I need SUN.

To awaken to the beautiful sunshine and the idea of being cooked for makes my skin ooze with happiness and my mouth salivates like crazy!

So we have been looking.  We are considering the west coast of Africa or the canary islands, not sure yet.  Either way, I am delighted to share that if like me, you are considering your summer holiday, here is a link to save you at least £100 in the process!

Go check out my friends at Tui and see if you can find a bargain.  

Have you ever been to the Canary islands?  Which is your favourite?  How about Africa? Where do you like in Africa? I wonder if the temperature gets chilly in the evenings?

Much love and dreaming, as always

Louise xoxo


Saturday, 4 November 2017

Magic and Bali

We believe in Magic on this blog don't we? Initially this blog was born from my love to share all things Law of Attraction.  Still I stand by that as I dream more and more of travel. My latest wanderlust dreams float in my mind to Bali.

Why? I don't even know. But I guess it's thanks to those over on instagram and watching beautifully bodied bikini ladies dipping a toe in a beautiful pool in a beautiful villa.  Buddha heads at the end of the pool. The call to yoga, meditation and healthy food.

Bali is ME.  I think.

Realising this dream I have been watching an amazing guy over on Youtube and seeing his fabulous videos, even supported him on Patreon.  Next thing you know, I'm contacted by Tui (an amazing travel company who I travel frequently with) and informed about them beginning to offer travel to Bali. of attraction in action.

Past travel to the Red Sea

Has this excited me beyond belief?  Yes! So my anxieties kick in and make me think that travelling to Asia for the first time ever would be quite amazing if I have the safety of booking with a reputable company. As opposed to booking a one way ticket. Perhaps I will have a long trip there and think about returning for 2 months with the villa, the buddha head and a coconut delivery guy!  I will do it! I definitely will!

Realising the dream as I spoke about in my last blog post (which went viral by the way, thank you) I'm more keen than ever to get myself that bloggers dream job of posting from abroad, creating IG beauties and informative Youtube videos about travel, food and keeping healthy abroad.

Want to help me? Of course I'm going to ask you to share this blog post for me but also how do you feel about clicking this link to look into booking your next holiday with Tui?  Should you click and book, you are going some way to supporting my efforts with this blog and all the online platforms I am determined to bring you over the coming months.

I'm off to dream of Bali one more time and why not let me know where you dream of visiting? Have to visited many exotic countries or gone travelling? What tips do you have for me?  Please let me have your comments!

TUI - Save more online!

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.