Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Nature trail walk - grounding

This weekend has been amazing for purposes of getting back to nature and grounding oneself.

While there are always human torments of guilt and pangs of worry as one takes up lots of 'wasted' time with such things; it is necessary.

Feeling stress and the overwhelming sense of doing too much is almost too hard to deal with should you not take those breaks.  I had promised myself this weekend would be full of sorting paperwork and accounts.  Yet,  none of those things have been done.  Instead, I have got into nature and walked a little to feel the love of the beauty that just simply is.

Locally, there is a beautiful park which I went walking in on Saturday.  Sunday saw a day on the coast,  that blog post will be here tomorrow!

Much love

Louise xoxo

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseushercoach...
Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

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Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

You wanted to make life changes - remember?

It's been a crazy amount of time now since I began to learn the Law of Attraction.


Being the inspiration to begin this blog, I have so much to thank 'it' for.

However, I need to make a video all about the 'problem' with the law of attraction.  When things go wrong and why.  What you can do when things don't pan out as you had hoped.

Having recently got way too complacent with the Law of Attraction, I now have had a few proverbial 'kicks up the bum' to remind me of the practices I should be making! It's definitely time I started to practice what I preach once again and I have revisited many old favourites of mine.
The list goes on.  If you haven't read my book yet, I suggest you get your hands on a copy.  You see, I have recently started promoting the book again and it's flying off the shelves like a new release! Honestly, for £0.99 you can begin to get the knowledge you need to start changing your life.

If you want to regain health
Get a better body
Find the love of your life
Change jobs
Make more money
Have more energy
You have good news ahead...there is a way you can start to make changes in the way you think and act and make huge differences to living the life of your dreams.

I know you are crying out to know more from me and the best way is to head over to amazon and download a copy of my book.  It doesn't matter if you don't have a kindle as it can be sent to your tablet, laptop or phone.  It will be the best £0.99 you have spent in ages.  The book is small, just 33 pages so can be read in a couple of hours.  So many of my audience have asked if I am releasing a second book.  I will.  I guess.  Yet right now I have 3 books I am writing plus a short story for publication and I must get those in print first!  Yet follow this blog and you will get nuggets from me each week!

So click this link and goto Amazon to get your own copy.  You can get it in print too if you prefer something you can make highlights,  notes and dog ears with! You are likely to come back to the print edition again and again.

My amazon author page

Meanwhile, I wish you the very best in life for this wonderful day and send you much love

Louise xoxo

Find me:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseushercoach...
Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320

Monday, 21 September 2015

New beginnings.

Anyone felt anxious?
New start; telling yourself you're fine?

Out of your comfort zone. You'll be fine. 

Then the heart beats. 

You remember. You're Human. No matter how much you try to embrace what the gurus tell you. 

I decided to wipe the slate clean today. 

I'll eat better. Drink less coffee and milk. 
Exercise more to sort out my dodgy back. 
Be less anxious. 
More confident. 
Worry less. 
All these things...

I can do it. You tell yourself. 

Then the heart beats just a little too hard. 

Nevertheless; determined to keep living life to its fullest, you push yourself. 

I hear you. I'm there too. 

Today's dawn was beautiful. 

Good morning brand new day. How are you?  Cos I'm brand new too. 
Brand new me. 

Embracing the law of attraction. 

Getting to grips with the science of human nutrition. My love. My passion. 

Beginning at a new university. 

Climbing these stairs to a wonderful new start. 
Deep breath. Can I do it?

I'm going to honour myself by trying. Just as hard as I can. 

Embracing the law of attraction. 

Are you with me?

We are human. Remind yourself!
Yet we can do this. 

Perhaps not the coffee part. 

Here's a new doorway to a new start!

Are you with me?

Deep breath. Much love

Louise xoxo

Find me:

Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320


Saturday, 12 September 2015

Dr Wayne Dyer

For some reason, it's taking me so long to write this piece.

Fear of getting it wrong,  being respectful enough, saying the right thing...

Years of watching Wayne Dyer,  reading his books,  meditation to his "ahhh" sound meditation should have me knowing better.
There is no wrong or right.
There just is.
If something comes from a place of love... (my fingers were flying around the keyboard then but now have stopped...)
Never, do I ever struggle to write.  I know exactly why I struggle now.  This may get emotional for me as I let go right here with you now.

The place of love that Dr Dyer speaks of is so brimming over inside me.  I almost have an attachment to it.  To the point where I fail to understand anyone else who is not also trying to show love,  give love,  breed love,  be love.  Just being sweet and lovely to all who you meet.
The stars.

Every single living thing.  Every emotion.  Every feeling.  Every hunch.  Giving it all love has become my way of life.  To a detrimental point.

Believing that Wayne Dyer,  among many other teachers,  has got me figuring out my life purpose and also what I should be learning for myself in this human experience.  You see, I don't just believe we are having a human experience,  I feel I know it.  We are spirit in a human body.  Here to learn.  Here to teach.  Ready to improve onto the next life.  A beautiful spiritual soul I once knew explained to me that she felt we would keep coming back into different bodies and different lives time and again.  Once we had completed all our lessons,  our spirits would become guardians for those like you and I who are enjoying being humans.

While I don't know enough about the afterlife and the soul, I am learning.  What I do know is that I wished I had that magic wand that we all speak of.  Could I wave it,  I would have just loveliness in everyone.  Right now,  as we all mourn the sadness of living a world without being able to meet Wayne Dyer,  his work lives on.  His books,  his films,  they are all out there.  He left his teachings behind for us to work on.  I,  along with many others,  are tuning in more than ever to his teachings and figuring 'stuff' out.
It's quite a ride to figure out that humans are not perfect.  Not everyone will be sweet and lovely all the time.  There is evil and hate.  People who give that away so freely can be so hurtful for those like myself.   Personally, I would never give that off to others and it hurts so badly that so many other humans walk this earth with that as their entertainment.
I'm working on it,  Dr Dyer.  I hear you.  Yet it still hurts.  Perhaps when it hasn't, I may have learnt my lesson and can be walking beside the other amazing spirits such as Dr Dyer.  Until then,  this human/spirit is a definite work in progress.

Sadness overcame me at the news Wayne had passed almost two weeks ago now.  Yet he would be so happy that so many people are revisiting his work and re-learning and reminding themselves of all that he taught us.  His 'people' have made this more accessible than ever for the likes of you and I and if you have never tapped into Dr Dyers work I would urge you to take advantage of his books and films.

"Don't die with the music still in you." Was one of his famous quotes.
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer speaks of the Law of Attraction.  Try it.  See.  It'll be so true you'll freak out.

Wayne Dyer touched my soul.  There were many many times I would watch his talks on my laptop and get an overwhelming sense of relief, happiness and joy after.  Thinking of him often now.  I wonder where he is, with his smile and the gentle 'knowingness' that surrounded him.

My deepest condolences to all who loved him.  Even if that's you and you aren't family.  Yet, weren't we so blessed to have known him.

The news report released by NBC is here.

Dr Dyer on Amazon

Until the end of September, if you visit This link you can watch "My greatest teacher" for Free.

I would love you to tap into his work and see just how magical it is.

Thank you,  Wayne Dyer for all the amazing work you have done and the lives you have touched.

Sending more love than ever to you all

Louise xoxo

Find me:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseushercoach...
Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320

Friday, 11 September 2015

A new chapter begins - All registered at University

Are you off to University in the next couple of weeks?

How do you feel?

Are you a 1st year fresher?

Where are you off to?

Yesterday saw the beginning of a new chapter for me too.  I completed my registration to my new university.  In case you didn't see my story so far:
Last year I was in London for my first year at uni.  I loved this place.  Didn't mind the travel either.  Although it played it's part with taking a bit of my health.  Being a "Spoonie" with Crohns, I need to give that lots of respect.... So I have now transferred to a lovely university close to home!

Open day after open day, I have gone along to do my research.  Reaching a place where research was all done,  there was still something I was unsure about. Knowing I would be missing my friends from London,   the comfort of knowing where the rooms were,  how the hygiene worked in the super lab,  enjoying my time on the train... I needed to feel 100% about making the move.

Little by little,  the universe (not university, the universe) has showed me nuggets of painful twinges here and there and so many reasons to make the switch.  Plus,  at my new local uni they are so super friendly and sweet.  They have already told me they would like to get me onboard with mentoring and training the others which is what I adore doing.  Feeling 'looked after' there is just priceless.

So,  look out Science and biochemistry,  I'm coming for you.

Nutrition at its best,  I am excited to extend my knowledge through evidence based science and research and share with you my findings online here.  I have a dream to help as many people as possible to get well through changing diet and lifestyle.  This has been a huge learning curve for me as I have learned to live with my diagnosis. 

I would love you to head over to my nutrition blog and follow me there as I share this specific information.  You owe it to your body (ohh; cheesy!)
Plus I will be sharing more and more health and cooking stuff on my Youtube channel too! 

In the next couple of weeks I am considering sharing with you my vulnerable reasons for doing what I'm doing and my dreams for the future and where I would like to be.  What do you think?  Would you like to see this?  Are you still reading this far in - as I would love you to leave me a comment.  This blog gets hundreds of views per day (which is mind blowing) yet I often don't know what you are all thinking.  This is my invitation to you for you to let me know.  Get in touch,  leave a comment or tweet me.  I would love your support with my journey. 

A new chapter begins.

Much love

Louise xoxo

Find me:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseushercoach...
Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320


Thursday, 10 September 2015

A VLOG from the theme park!

Last weekend saw my Jasmine brave some fears as she climbed to newer heights getting on the biggest roller coasters she could find!

We made a Vlog about it so come and see it here!

Much love

Louise xoxo

Find me:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseushercoach...
Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

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Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Autumn Fast approaching

Just yesterday,  I stood in Marks and Spencer and took this quick snapshot on my phone.  

With views of browns and blacks,  sensible shoes with a sensible grip, it can only mean one thing.  Buckle up everyone,  autumn is fast approaching!

You don't often find me blogging about fashion. It's not so much my thing.  Yet we all know what we like and don't like.  The colours this year have left me wondering.  There are so many odd greens which I find very unflattering.  Yet I'm thinking with so many Long boots*
out there (expensive but worth it!) it might be time to try on long skirts again, or even shorter ones with thick black tights and long boots.  Either way,  I do feel just a little bit sad that our summer seems to be over.

My summer has been amazing.  How was yours?  
If you followed my youtube posts and the blogs on here you will see we have had an amazing time! The weather I feel has been kind to us and definitely while we were on our camping trip.

So what lies ahead?

In a little under two weeks I start back at university (blog post to follow) and I'm both excited and extremely nervous.  Not about finding my way around or meeting new people, but the level of work that I know it takes to accomplish great results.  I definitely do not have the same opinion as many that students have an awesome life of drunkeness and sleeping in.  I will get there I'm sure but to spend such quality time with my reassuring family this summer has been really so precious.

You will find blog posts coming thick and fast (thank you to all the new readers here - you have put a massive smile on my face as the view counts just go up and up!) and I am also going to create a new blog where folks can share their own blog posts for a little extra exposure! Awesome.  Let me know if you want to be involved.

Back to the words of Autumn

Hoping that the weather will be nice (maybe a couple of days of snow - for the children you understand!) over the winter months, we all find ourselves trying to keep things going that we can look forward to.  I booked a holiday this week (blog post coming soon!) and I'm crazy excited about that! I also have a double 16th birthday celebration this coming winter! That will be fab.  

Evenings of darkness, lit by Yankee candles* and television.  Curled up under fluffy throws watching Xfactor and Eastenders.  A cute dog snoring loudly in the background....it's all to look forward to.  The best bit?  Christmas! Just around the corner, I might well get out and do all my Christmas shopping next week!

Get in touch and let me know what excites you about the changing seasons?  Or does it make you feel blue?

Much love

Louise xoxo

Find me:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseushercoach...
Twitter:      http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher...
Blog:          http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog)
Podcast:    https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1

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Advertise on my blog: (from only $5)

Books:  My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E 

Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21

Email: lifenutrition@virginmedia.com

I'd love to catch up with you. Come and say HI.......

Motivational Merch:  Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736

Health Stuff: https://www.foreverliving.com/retail/entry/Shop.do?store=GBR&language=en&distribID=440500051320

* Small affiliate link here. If you buy from here, you are supporting this blog by me earning a few pence from the profit of Amazon. Thank you x

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.