Monday, 29 December 2014

What's the best way to lose weight?

Undoubtedly, the number one question I get asked these days is:

What's the best way to lose weight?

The other one is how to get rid of a cold/stuffy nose/blocked ears.

I can answer both of these questions with ease.  Chances are, you might well have the knowledge yourself too.  Although why haven't you applied it? 

Same reason as all of us.  Choice.  We have chosen not to.

Don't get me wrong,  I know we decide to give it a go....tomorrow.

Then tomorrow comes and what happens?  We chose the biscuits, the cake, the chocolate.  Simply because it's Christmas/birthday/I've been good/ I've been stressed/I deserve it.

You deserve the very best in life.  What is that?  If you desire to be healthy, then you need to start making the choices that coincide with your decisions.  This is the tricky part.  
So often, you need someone or something to hold you accountable.  That wedding dress you want to fit into, or that motivating person to tell you how great you are doing or to lift you once again when you are down.

Ultimately, the choices have to come from within you. If you really want to do this and can get all the tools you need to make the changes, you can get there!

Starting Monday 5th January, I will be opening my doors and my email inbox to you.  
At a very affordable price, I will be starting a 12 week course to get a healthier and happier new you.

Click this link for booking info

There is no registration fee or booking fee unlike most.  There is a one off payment with the online course which calculates to just over £3 per week.  If you come along to our group in Kent, UK you will pay £4. 

Online, you pay for the full 12 weeks at just £40 for the whole 12 weeks.  This gives your commitment to yourself to help motivate and inspire you to keep going.  

Within the 12 weeks it would be quite achievable to expect to lose 2 stone.  Yes, a whopping 28 lbs if you stick to the advice I give you.  
So, before Easter, how would you like to be 2 stone down?

As well as losing those 2 stone, you could keep eating and not feel deprived
* Lower unhealthy blood pressure
* Lower bad cholesterol
* Learn to eat healthily in a way that is sustainable and fits in with life
* Find a renewed self confidence
* Get back in front of the camera again
* Want to wear old clothes that you haven't worn for ages
* Stop avoiding people who you would rather not see you with your weight gain
* Sleep better at night, knowing you are healthier
* Achieve goals you set for yourself in 2015
* Lower your risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke

What will you get?

It's important to keep track of all that you are consuming within your day.  I will point you to free apps and tools that can help you do this, simply by scanning in a bar code.

I will work out what a healthy weight would be for you.

Set a mini goal to get you kick started.

Support and guide you, through emails weekly.  Personalised and answering your questions.

A positive approach without wrapping you in cotton wool or without bully tactics.  Understanding, care and professionalism.

Be held accountable each week which will help you keep focused and on track.

Nutritional emails weekly with tips, recipes and advice for basic health needs that we so often all miss.

What you need to do

Weigh in on which day suits you best, I suggest a Monday.

Email me your weight.  The first week I need your height and gender too.

Email any questions, worries or concerns you have or you include lots of exclamation marks when you are really pleased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep track of all you eat and drink on the recommended app.

Sign up on Eventbrite and pay the one off fee of £40 then no need to worry until April.  

If you wanted to get some one to one consultancy without the commitment then this is something else you can do too.  Either using Skype or email if you prefer.  See here for more information: One to one coaching. 

Which ever way you decide to make these changes for your body, do make them.  I will be.  My body deserves to be treated better to function at optimal health.  Are you onboard with me?


Saturday, 27 December 2014

George Clooney Give away!

If you love him and would love to own the new calendar, then go ahead and watch this video. Draw takes place 2nd January 2015.  I'll post out to the UK

Easy to enter chance to win.......

Much love

Louise xoxo

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas to you!!!! And a big thank you.

HAPPY Christmas!!!!

Such wonder and magic holds us at this time of year.

Finally, the chaos is done with and it's time to relax and enjoy.  

Yes, Christmas is here.

I would like to wish all my readers of this blog,  my Youtube family,  my twitter followers and instagram friends a wonderful Christmas.  I really appreciate you being there and helping me to grow my online community.  I do love to help with little snippets of helpful information and next year will only see things getting bigger and better.

Every time you click like, share, thumbs up or retweet it really warms my heart.  This doesn't happen millions of times a day just yet so I do notice every single one.  I love it.  Thank you.

I hope you all have the most wonderful Christmas and I will be blogging before the new year (and my birthday) but meanwhile, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sending much love at this wonderful time of year.

Louise xoxo

To get your links on this page for a whole month from just $5 click here 

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like #vlogmas

Can you believe how close we now are to Christmas?  Tomorrow is Christmas eve and then it all begins.  

The excitement.

The opening of the last advent calendar. 

The chaos! Remember to watch the overwhelm.  It's your job to also make sure that YOU have a good time too!  That's what it's all about!
If you missed my post on 3 top tips to avoid overwhelm then click here

December 2014 has been amazing for me! Clarity and direction coming at me from all over.  I've had a brilliant time at University, despite there being lots of exams.  Actually, likely because there are lots of exams.  I do love a challenge.  Although it's been uber busy in the working world too.  With clients needing beautifying as well as many coaching clients needing help with their own direction.

Plus,  it's VLOGMAS!

If you aren't too sure what Vlogmas is, I'll give you a quick explanation.  On Youtube (you've heard of that I know) there are guys and girls who upload a video a day through December.  All things Christmassey.  Even just a quick post looking worn out from bed saying "I've been working so many hours" as some of my Youtube family have been doing. It's tricky to juggle and lots of hard work goes into making these videos.  If you are a little bit nosey and like to see whats going on in people's lives in the build up to Christmas then go search vlogmas and you will find loads of videos.

I'd love you to go have a look at mine and tell me what you think.  Below my videos are links to other Youtubers who I have found to be totally awesome folks.  All are growing channels so go give them a watch and a subscribe.

I must mention the Daddy-o of the group, Stephen.  It's his Youtube anniversary today.  He has been going for 2 years.  I find him fascinating!!! And funny.  He has grown his channel significantly in that time and once again, lots of hard work has gone into creating this channel.  Head on over there (tell him I sent you) and leave him a happy anniversary comment! Find Stephen here.

This blog is just full of information today!

At the bottom of this post you will see a link to my Vlogmas videos.  Go and see my life, how crazy it's been and all. Plus, if you subscribe you will find I have some exciting news to share in the new year (fingers crossed).

Right so back to business.  What does 2014 look like in the Lusher Life camp.
I'm launching a more affordable way for you to get my help in the coaching, weight loss and nutrition departments.  Now, I know what it's like to struggle and if you remember I am highly trained by one of the big boys who I no longer work for.  My degree in Nutrition is going fantastically and I'm so glad to be doing this.
Online, you can get the support from me that you need.  This is a one to one personal email of encouragement to you weekly.  You will weigh in at home and report in to me!

At the start, I will set you goals and let you know what your healthy weight should be (the most frequent question for clients).  Then I will show you the tools you can use (which are free) to keep a track of how to actually make sure you eat for weight loss.  Should you require more coaching from me you can purchase this of course.  However, for a 12 week course starting the first week of January, you pay less than £3.99 a week.  Yup, for the entire 12 weeks it's just £40. You can book tickets for this in the link above on the right hand side where it says "Eventbrite' or you can click here. 
Book tickets for online support

As it's going to be solely me who will be providing the support, places are limited.  Obviously once January the 1st comes, they are likely to sell fast so I urge you to get cracking and sort it today rather than miss out.  

I'm likely to do another at the end of this 12 weeks but if you want to be onboard for January then do it! You know you can do it.  It's in you.  You just need support, accountability and motivation.  That's where I come in.  Email me with any questions you have before booking! 

Meanwhile, here are those videos for you to see.  I will be posting more all over Christmas. Including what we got for Christmas (and unwrapping!), unboxing of a muscle food order, cooking tips, general chit chat and of course, my upcoming birthday!

Youtube Channel link here 

Sending much love

Louise xoxo

Get your own links added to this blog for a whole month from just $5

Monday, 15 December 2014

3 top tips to keep healthy this Christmas time...

3 Top tips to keep healthy this Christmas time

As you are fully aware, Christmas is upon us and it is typically a time we neglect our health and our bodies.  If you are feeling low, under the weather or just a bit grumpy, chances are you might need a little health boost.

Even though you may have heard these simple tips before,  I am here to remind you!

  1. Drink water!

Yes, I know you know.  But are you drinking or not?  If not why not.  Want a hot drink?  Drink hot water.  
During the winter, the heating is typically on in the house which will have a dehydrating effect on the body.  Without water,  not only will your skin start to look a bit shrivelled but you can’t function the same either.  
Being that the body, and cells, are made up so much of water it makes total sense that we need to keep hydrated.

Drinking more alcohol will need a good flush.  Removing toxins needs a helping hand with water.  Toxins floating around in the body will help you play host to viruses like coughs and colds.

2.  Get some sleep

As we all chase our own tails at Christmas time,  it is easy to forget to get an early night.  Without that extra hour before midnight, it is easy to want to pull up the duvet for an extra 5 minutes. 

You will create dark circles under the eyes, you will stop thinking so sharply and often you will find you don’t function so efficiently.

3.  Eat some vitamin c

Not only will it help you fight off colds and flu (you knew that - right?) but citrus fruits this time of year are delightful.  Well, Satsumas specifically.  The supermarket will sell you a packet from £1-£2 and satsumas make an excellent snack.  Healthy.  Provides you with energy from the natural sugars.

When you pour your drink (alcohol or soft drink) why not add a splice of lemon.

Going for coffee?  Ask for a glass of lemon water.  Coffee will make your body become acidic.  The lemon water gets you back into the favourable alkaline state once again.

Keep healthy, happy and smile lots.

Much love

Louise xoxo

Get your Lusher Life mug as a reminder of your dreams!

Did you see Youtube yet?  Click here for my Vlogmas videos! 


Saturday, 13 December 2014

3 top tips on how to avoid Christmas Overwhelm

3 top tips on how to avoid Christmas Overwhelm

This time of year is typically very busy.  So many of us trying so hard to be so perfect and end up suffering with the overwhelm which in turn crushes the dream of having a wonderful time.

What can you do to stop this feeling?

In this blog we are going to deal with all the feelings that come with overwhelm.  So the first thing to do is recognise that you are not feeling like the perfect housewife (sorry if you are a guy reading - imagine the frilly pinafore from the 1950’s) and to give yourself a break for not feeling so in control.  Hardly anybody feels like they are on top of things at Christmas time.  Gosh, I sure can see why women didn’t used to work back before they had automatic washing machines and dishwashers. 
Of course, gifts were given years ago but maybe not so much money was spent as now.  There is so much pressure at Christmas to deliver the perfect day/week/month and create an occasion that the family will remember forever.  However, hang on a minute….

Let’s look at the good stuff.  There is a chance for a couple of days off, so spend some time playing games with the children, be a bit scruffy,  nap for half an hour.  There are so many wonderful things about Christmas that you may miss if you don’t stop and focus on the good things.  Find a little time to yourself and write down at least 5 things that you really love about Christmas, if you think of more, keep going!

Here are my top 3 tips:

  1. Ask for help

Kids love a bit of money.  There must be something they will do for 50p.  Ask your partner, your mum, a friend.  Don’t try and do it all yourself.  The chances are it simply isn’t possible and you might be pleasantly surprised at how willing people are to do a good deed for you.  Being a martyr seldom gets a thank you.

2.  Stop trying to be perfect

So who is?  Pretty much nobody gets everything right.  I remember a dinner party when I forgot to defrost the meat.  Thankfully a willing guest and a handy Co-op supermarket on the corner of the road meant that in the end, everything turned out ok.  Stop worrying about everything and see it for what it is.  At Christmas, the floor will be covered in paper,  the kitchen will need a total blitz and you are likely to fall in a dazed heap at the end of the day.  Just as it should be!

3.  Take 5 minutes

Just 5 minutes is better than none.  Sit and breathe.  Be thankful for the list of things you think of.  Meditate.  Sit in the chair with some soothing music or even a guided meditation on and try to chill out. 

The run up to Christmas is well and truly underway now.  I hope you can enjoy the excitement building up.  Use the tips above and likely you will find things a little easier.

Feel free to add your own tips below.  Any, ‘yeah but..’ messages will just be read as excuses not to enjoy your time which of course is not what this blog, or your Lusher Life, is all about!  
Wishing you a lovely day full of joy and positivity.  

Much love

Louise oxoxo

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Christmas Primark Haul

Hey there

So how are you Christmas plans shaping up?

I've been super crazy busy here and I would love to share all my news with you.  

As it's that time of year for Christmas parties and looking glamourous, I am overwhelmingly busy with doing peoples hair, beauty, nails and make up!  I love it! If only I took more photos.  

Yesterday (this was amazing) I was leaving London and having a wander to get my train when I was approached by a lovely lady who was looking for models to join them in a campaign for advertising St Pancras Station.  Wow.  She said I was looking lovely.  That was very flattering.  However, due to work commitments and hearing problems, I did decline just now.  Still lovely though!
At the time, I had actually been making some more video footage for my Vlogmas.  I'll pop a link below to mine but please please subscribe to my channel as I'm keen to grow it and also you can keep up with all the videos there too!

Recently, life has been manic and I would love to give more time to making the Youtube videos.  I totally love them.  It's a wonderful thing to do in my spare time.  If you make videos and would like me to share your channel I'm doing a shout out session and links below my video too so get in touch!

Other news:  I'm nervous to share this news as it's a double edged sword.  Me and my Uni friends are studying so hard on our Science and nutrition degree.  Hoping to go onto the BSc in Dietetics next year.  There was a gruelling process to go through to get onto the degree as (I'm not kidding) places are VERY limited as they are funded by the NHS just like student Drs and nurses.  
The whole process has been draining and exciting at the same time.  Well yesterday we found out the news we had been waiting for.  My lovely friend "A" (not got her permission yet to use her name) text me and told me to check my emails.  Both she and I had been successful in our application which was, of course wonderful news.  Although we need to pass all 4 modules with Distinction to comply! Plus a few other criteria.  Yet we were squealing with delight that finally it looked like our dreams were coming true.

I've wanted to be a dietitian for many years now, since I was at school!

Then came the sad news, many of our other friends had not been successful.  This is so sad.  Everyone has such great qualities and I love them all.  How we will deal with this on Monday goodness knows.  It will be hard.  Doubtless, being the amazing women they are they will wish us congratulations.  Yet I know they will have heavy hearts that means they may have to give up or re-apply next year.  So sad.  

Right, back to the Christmas stuff! How's your shopping and wrapping going?

See my videos here:  Don't forget to subscribe and let me have your links for shout outs!

Primark Christmas Haul Video - click here!

Sponsor my next blog here:

First Choice

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

We wish you a happy Vlogmas!

What's this Vlogmas?

Well, it's all about enjoying creating videos in the lead up to Christmas and popping them over onto Youtube!  And I'm taking part!  Loving it!

If you are taking part in Vlogmas you can join my growing Google+ community to post your videos.

Meanwhile, take a look at mine so far.  Hope you enjoy these!

Much love

Louise xoxox

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.