Thursday, 31 October 2013

Omg It's official!! I'm a pro photographer now

You guys rock!

I can't believe (well I can due to the Law of Attraction: Ask, Believe, Receive) that my photography website and blog is finally up and running.

It took lots of hard thought and determination but I realised I should keep these 2 blogs seperate.  Im thinking there will be lots of wedding talk going on over on that blog which will be more work related while this one will still be Raw and open and vunerable writing!

Yes, it's all me and you over here.  I'm going to encourage the wedding folks in the photography world to advertise on my blog over there, most likely using Passionfruit.  I really am keen to get out and about and see some places, maybe even take the video camera and upload vlogs to youtube while interviewing wedding vendors.  I'd love that! It excites me beyond belief!

I'm still learning so much about blogging as one of my blog friends made me realise the other day.  She was talking 'linkies' and I'm still to learn what they are - HELP.

This blog was purely to let you know there is another blog to have a look at (this one works on bloglovin too unlike this blog you're reading now!) is obviously the facebook page.

My photography blog is here:

I'd love you to share with your google friends please please please.  Thanks you are awesome!


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Let's all tweet on Twitter!

Do you just love twitter?  It's so straightforward and easy.  I love it.

In fact,  I do find it's my favourite way to read other peoples links.  Do you share your blog on twitter?  Can we connect?  Click here and come over give me a follow and from there on I can find you too!

What's your favourite way to see other folks blogs?  I do also like the 'follow by email' option.  I can sit and have a read when I'm just on the go then too.  Do you do that?  Drinking coffee,  read.
Sit on the loo, read.

As I type my phone is also ding -a- donging with notifications from Instagram.  Just shared this photo.  
I love to keep flowers on my desk!

We all know how we all love photos! Come on over and find me there too as I'd love to see you all.  

Feel free to share your links below so we can all get better aquainted!


Monday, 28 October 2013

Hurricane storms in Kent, UK

Well the storm is over. 

A few lives were lost and while it wasn't too awful to live through there is a little damage. Fences needed fixing, our TV aerial is hanging from the chimney and the tree across the road blew down narrowly missing my car!

I wanted to share these photos with you. I've taken on my travels today. 


Baby blue eyes, this weeks official photography shoot!

Blue eyed baby 

Are you excited to see?

I'm excited to show you.

Yes, folks,  I'm following the dream and now going to take on more Photography clients.

If you missed the post,  I've been doing photos for a long time now but with no real requests to make it into a business.  I love it though and that's often the mistake so many of us make isn't it!

Anyway,  a gorgeous little boy sat for me this week and although I'm still building the photography blog and website I thought I would show you a couple of sneaky shots. 

Remember though,  this is still a secret between us.  The rest of the world will get their big launch at a later stage!

Tell me what you think?


Friday, 25 October 2013

This lady helped my grow my blog - For FREE


Ok, so we all want our blogging to be successful.  I'm not sure how I stumbled upon this lady but she really made me sit up and listen.  She has created some so sweet ebooks for free that can give you an idea on how to start making money online or even iron out what you might be doing wrong.  
You can get this free ebook here and I wanted to share with you as you will love it too.  It's pretty and full of sweet artwork :O)
Click here for the link: Biz blogstar
After that,  you will be excited to know more: here it is:
I just wanted to make sure you’d heard about this – I think you will really, really love it + be a great fit for it.
Leonie Dawson has created something that’s changing the lives and businesses of SO many women around the world in a way that’s never been seen before.
I think it’s so exciting + amazing what she’s put together – it’s just SO much more heart-centered, wildly generous + hugely affordable than ANYTHING that’s out there in the world.
The Amazing Biz and Life Academy gives you over $3800 (!!!!) of her business and marketing programs to create a powerful and profitable business, zen-your-mind meditations, creativity, spirituality, home and health e-courses to help you live your best life yet. It’s really the complete toolkit!
See the link!

And it’s just SO crazy affordable – this woman has really set out to make it as doable for EVERY WOMAN who needs her work as possible. Only $497 for EVERYTHING she gives you… and even offers a generous payment plan!

PLUS, Leonie is a woman who really walks her talk – she’s managed to create a half million dollar a year company in a few hours a day that helps SO many people, and lets her really live her soul purpose. AND she’s a philanthropist – she donates to and supports a huge range of charities – she is even in the top 1% of Kiva lenders! She really is a goddess of abundance, creativity + joy!

Want to know more? Click here
I love how openly she teaches – if you know Leonie’s work, you’ll know she is SUCH an open book, so honest, vulnerable, heart-felt and true compared to so many other teachers out there!
There’s some pretty amazing success stories of women who’ve already received a HUGE amount of transformation in their lives and businesses from the Academy… go check them out and prepare to be inspired!!!

I’m just so in awe of what she’s created… and I know you’re going to really love it too!
Louise x
P.S. As always, I reckon one of the best ways you can make your dreams come true is invest in education and learning from someone who’s done what you want to do. Leonie is one of those rare teachers who can show you the way – and do it in a completely heart-centered, open-book, massively helpful kind of way.
This lady really is such an inspiration to me - hope she is to you too

Please support my blog by sharing these affiliate links.  Leonie really has inspired me to go for it and I love to share the free stuff as well as the paid for courses as they are such brilliant value

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Are your dreams coming true or are you stuck?

Are you stuck or are your dreams coming true?

Interesting post coming up straight from my heart today!

Sitting at my desk today I'm going to be totally honest with you.  I love days like this.  I could write all day long.  I love it!

I love it!

I love it!

However,  (you knew that was coming didn't you!) I have spent a lot of time surfing the net on what to do with it.  Are you the same?  Spending time trying to figure everything out on what to do and how to do it well?

I'm very proud of myself and how I naturally help others with ease getting into their own head and sorting out their dreams.  Frequently I run this type of practice for business owners and for people and their personal lives too.  Also,  many friends send a simple text

Got time for a cuppa this week?

I know that means they want uplifting.  Or telling "You can do it! Go for it!" and we sit and work out an action plan or strategy on how to move forward.

Yet when it comes to me,  I have so many different subjects I love to talk about and I'm very seriously considering writing several different blogs covering the various subjects.  

What do you think ?

This blog you are reading now is about my journey through life and about creating a Lusher Life.  Now,  this is my favourite really.  I get to open up and spill out everything that's inside. 

Doing it often enough may begin to generate the kind of audience I would like but I'm not convinced.  You know how certain youTube folks have a channel for Vlogs and one for product reviews and such? Like my favourites Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter even though the lovely lovely lovely Louise of Sprinkle of glitter often mentions stuff about being too old for this (she's 25) and should she really watch One Direction as she has a baby (!) bless her.  25 is still a baby herself.  She's just adorable and opening up lives like that is very scary I know and people can be mean sometimes.  Ignoring them is hard.  However,  these ladies are now doing very nicely with their blogging and Vlogging.

As for me,  I love to teach and pass on info too.  I feel to do that on this blog may be misplaced.  I see no reason why I couldn't use the Lusher Life base and add on /photography
/weight loss
/Hair and Beauty
/dream building (that's kind of this one really)

I've lots of experience at all these subjects and although they do all tie into Law of Attraction (coaching package here) I'd love to also help people who just want to know about hair or make up or nails or weddings etc without all the blurb on creating your own reality.   Not everyone believes that stuff and although they should,  it can become annoying!

So please tell me what you think?

I'll be posting a blog on how to help you get unstuck if you are stuck so please click to follow this blog via email and I'd love to know what questions you have too. 

Big PS - in this photo I'm reading a book by the lovely Lilou Mace who is stunning and also very sweet and lovely.  She interviews the many positivity gurus on her Youtube pages.  You can buy this book of hers here I lost my job and I liked it

Of course,  my little mini book will help you on the start of your new life journey.  I'd love you to support me by sharing this link for me - thank you so much I love you x


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Photography news - but it's a secret shhh

My business is branching out!

Good morning lovely people.  Not sure where you are in the world but here in Kent, UK it's pouring hard with rain.  The gardens are looking lush and green this year.  We had a hot summer but no long dry spells so it's nice for the greenery...........Very observant you might think?  Well,  my eyes are wide open for these things and I'm about to let you in on a secret as to why!

Since I can remember,  I have had a love of photographs as have many other people.  

My ShuhTzu Harley

Sadly for me at school,  many of the subjects I was interested in taking onto further education such as photography and make up artists and hairstylist all needed an Art qualification back then.  Me and art didn't mix for some reason which is odd.  Being very creative I'm so lucky that this type of thing comes naturally but pretty much all I can draw are trees!

So,  thankfully things changed and I managed to float into college and study hair and beauty and this advanced to me becoming more than just that.  Helping salons who need help with business.  Of course,  part of this is marketing.  I love marketing.

Through doing my own hair and beauty,  make up and weddings,  I've often ended up taking many photos.  Especially as I got very friendly with some of my clients.  They then let me know there was no photographer a the house before hand as this cost them extra money! 

Taking along my pro Nikon camera,  I'd take a few shots to be later emailed on for them.

When you have a passion for such things it's a pleasure rather than a job to go ahead and take photos.  

In 2008 I got a hold of my first mac and was off and flying putting dvd's together for people as gifts of photo slideshows and all that stuff.  Loving it!

Recently I've known I need a new challenge.  Thinking ahead to the future,  my lovely daughter is very sure that she wants to be a photographer.  She's very good with people and animals and has chosen these as her subjects.  
So, together we are starting up a fully bone fide photography company.  Think we will call it Usher Photograpy (simple) but not sure yet.  What do you think?

The idea is,  it'll be me right now.  Marketing and taking on the work.  Makeovers will obviously be popular (I've done quite a few of these already) and weddings too.  When Jasmine is qualified too she will come onboard as an employee and when I retire she can carry on! (If I ever do - thinking not).

So this girl is on a mission to get a whole new blog started purely for the photography company.  I'd love to share it here for all you lovely readers and you can help us get it 'out there'.  I can see it tying nicely into the youtube,  instagram and blogger love affair I have going on.

What do you think?  Who else loves photos?  Please let me know if there is a lovely photography blog you like which I should be looking at!

This girl (me) is on the up.......find out what I mean with my sad news post

Monday, 14 October 2013

What the heck is going on?!

Ok, here I am again at last!

Apologies for being AWOL for so long.  I have great reasons which I really don't want to go into at great length here just now.  Although,  if you see my Bio has had a big change and now I'm a single girl.  A big shock to many including myself!
So, a slight change of jewellery and here's off to a great new base for a new novel.

Needless to say, life has been crazy chaotic.  Although I'm on the up in a big way.  Honestly,  I feel when people have a bit of a 'crisis' (you might call it) they either fix themselves by crying lots,  sleeping for ages and feeling really sad - getting lots of lovely cuddles from loved ones - or,  like me,  really grab life by the wotsits and decide to use it as a positive change.

Sounds perfect eh?

Well yes, of course it would sound perfect.  This is me,  Mrs positive,  Mrs Lusher Life.  Agreed,  I really do love to make my Lusher Life and when things are taking a downturn I do realise that it's all part of life.

It's a journey isn't it!

It's important to realise we are human.  So while I'm recovering,  my body is taking a little bit of a bashing as my stress can go inward.

Now, with the Law of Attraction in mind,  we create our reality with our thoughts.  I'm thinking that my life needs x, y, z right now and by agreeing to these things I feel better.  

For instance,  (as i know that was hard to grasp)  To feel in control,  I need to realise the control is in my hands!

So what will I do with my new found freedom?  Well that's up to me but creating a Lusher Life is what I'm all about so everything I do must be moving forwards in that direction.

Realising this sad story had a sad ending has just given me the 100% clarity that I really need to write this as a story in a book which is of course my passion.  I love writing and more and more it is starting to become a reality that I can make it happen.
She says as she twins screens at the new desk which is located next to the radiator!

Meanwhile,  I'm off to write some blogs on my very exciting Salon Blog which you can find here.

I will,  I promise,  knuckle down to getting these 2 books finished that I keep luring you in with.  I'm ready for lots of hard work and getting this blog 'up there' is going to be awesome. 

Much love to you all.....watching your news too

Louise x


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Where have I been?

Ahh the beauty of not having sponsorship on my blog is; I can write what I want, when I want. 

Although when I'm absent I really miss it. As I LOVE writing my blog! Beyond belief. 

Right now there's lots and lots of life stuff going on. Do you know the sort? The type of stuff you can only share after it's over. 

So, forgive my absence. In fact, I'm not going to be absent but instead I'll be sharing some of my favourite photos with you. Starting with this lovely bunch of roses I bought myself yesterday in the florist bargain bucket for £1. Oh the joy of flowers 

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.