Monday, 11 March 2013

We all have a book inside us

Of course, ALL of my clients are GORGEOUS and I love spending time with them...
Yet this past week has been so enlightening. I saw an amazing lady who has become so inspired with a couple of courses she has been on.
Mindsetting courses mostly,  though I'm pretty sure that these BRILLIANT people organising the day would elaborate on that instantly.  Rightly so!
Well this fantastic lady (with the BOLD purple hair!) came along and shared something with me that seemed to get her some fire in her belly.  Now many of us have heard the expression, 'we all have a book inside us'.... Have you?  Well,  I've heard this many times during my journey of telling people about my books, especially the one relating to my IVF journey.
Nodding with interest they often reply, "well, we all have a book inside us."  Without expectation, I have sent some of these folks a snippet from the forthcoming book and they have seemed surprised,  delighted and quite frankly have been totally supportive of my dream! LOVE IT.
So,  I believe that my lady is now chewing over the most passionate way in which to convey her knowledge into a book form.  She believes it can wonderfully accompany her complimentary therapy business. If she believes that then I believe she could be right. Remember
If nothing else, it's a great way to get you to remember the "i before e except after c" rule.... :O)
Seriously,  I couldn't leave out the chance to mention the lovely Law of Attraction rule there.  So good luck to this amazing lady. I'm just off to write her a testimonial for an awesome treatment she kindly gave me!
Meanwhile, I'd love to add this web address if you feel you have a book inside you.  I've found a real gem out there who is totally ahead of the game when it comes to lots of technical information about getting your book published (and of course written!)... her name is Joanna Penn.
Really soon (I promise) I'm going to be uploading a Youtube vlog about going for your dreams.  You must come over and see that!
Wishing you an awesome day and a Lusher Life
Louise x
Let me know if you feel I can help you into a Lusher Life

The book I'm reading in the photo is from who is a totally amazing lady inspiring millions. Take a look.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Improving profits overnight - salons and other businesses

Salon owners and in fact all business owners can sometimes feel shy to charge properly for their service.

This little video can give you one way to change things overnight. Have a listen,  build yourself a little bit of confidence!

Wishing you an amazing day - and a Lusher Life

Louise Usher
© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.