Friday, 20 September 2013

Wet weather hair - what to do?

Wet weather can be a nightmare for those with even the slightest bit of an edge to frizz.  So what can you do when times like these provide days with fog and that kind of rain makes you cringe? You know the rain?  Small droplets carried in the air.

Best thing to do is of course to ‘go with it’.  Rather than trying to create that sleek style that would be envied by Rachel in Friends – go with the curls.

A visit to your hair stylist is of course the best way to get special advice.  If you wear your hair curly you can apply a little more serum than you would if the hair was straight.  This helps to create something of a barrier over the hair and keeping the moisture out. 

Of course,  the beauty of this style is that you can simply wear it this way for just one day and change it back again!  Book an appointment with your local salon for tips on styling and products you can use to ‘go with the flow’ with your curly locks. 

Getting it right this season will give you renewed confidence and allow your stylist to colour your hair in a way to create sheen and bounce


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Party time with Blue Lagoon

Hoping for Barman tricks - but he was feeling shy
So the other Sunday we had a party! We were welcoming Mo into England.  It was a typical rainy day.... I lit the chimnea in case folks wanted to sit out in the drizzle.  The smokers did.  Everyone else sat in my what-was-perfect house.

I'd cleaned and scrubbed and tidied til my fingers were raw.  Silly eh.  Rainy day, folks in and out of the garden,  all needed doing again.

Nevertheless,  we had such laughs and lovely friends of mine poured into the house far more than I expected.  We had around 28 'close' friends only.  Phew, so many.  It was a great day with much Blue Lagoon tasting going on.

Bob Proctor on Paradigms

Hey folks.  I'm so excited to share with you the video I have watched today.

I find it exciting,  inspiring and of course helpful towards my Lusher Life!

I do write on another blog which is much less personal than this blog.  It's over on wordpress and thankfully is one which works on Bloglovin'.  I'm having problems with Bloglovin on this blog which makes me very sad indeed.  Most of what I share on here is being missed by many.  Despite several efforts to fix it,  seems I'm not meant to share it except for your eyes only.

Nevertheless,  here I am working away at my computer today,  giving me much to ponder as life changes for me and I stumbled across a video I would only normally share over on WP.  Though as my blog is titled "Lusher life" and it's one of my Lusher life subjects,  I really felt you guys would love it too.

Have a little look and come on over and leave me a comment or two.

Hope your day is going brilliantly and you are enjoying the Autumn sunshine

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.