Saturday, 31 August 2013

Crohns Flare up - weight up, weight down

I'm a girl with a Crohns disease diagnosis.

As well as Coeliac (celiac) disease.

What's that all about anyway.  I've a long story about the diagnosis and symptoms of this I will pop at the end.

In this photo,  I was at my healthiest ever in my life.  Ever.
I felt great.  This was last year.  Life was pretty sorted really and I actually control my disease through diet.

However,  if you don't get the sleep you need you can get something called Adrenal Fatigue which can pop your remission on the back burner.

What is Crohns?
It's an inflammatory disease of the digestive tract.  So basically from where your food goes in to where your food goes out can have a problem.  Since I was tiny I've had this issue and I know that talking about it highlights the problem and using Law of Attraction it helps bring the problem back.  So I tend not to talk about it but it's kind of relevant to this blog and my current story.

Since I found out that I'm going to start a new life with my gorgeous fiance Mo,  I have only been able to sleep for a maximum of 5 hours sleep each night.  Often 3-4 hours.  Then 'bing' I'm awake.
Coupled with maybe less consistent eating habits than I should have.  And Excitement!

Oh Excitment how I love you!

Honestly,  I'm maybe a bit of an adrenaline junkie.  Without the 'looking forward to it' feeling of something in the future I find life is really quite Blah..
So having such a big thing as this is brilliant. 

Not having seen Mo for 5 months has been so hard.  Before that it was just a few weeks and we spent 6 months apart last year too.  Knowing we will be together each day is amazing for me.  I'm totally hyped up about it.

With the Crohns,  it can play with your body weight.  I have a couple extra pounds on right now so I'm ok.  I am unlikely to ever look too skinny as I always carry hips and bum but i have drifted down to 7.5 stone in the past.  
Food allergies do one of 2 things:
*Make you skinny
*Make you fat.

I've been both.

It makes life in the wardrobe department a little tricky! But right now I'm happy that these pounds are falling off.

My stomach growls like the M25 motorway every time I eat right now and it's a problem.  No morning coffee for me.  Mint tea all the way!

I'm very lucky that I found a diet called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and following this really works.  I would recommend this to you if you have IBS, IBD or any linked digestive issues.  I will post a detailed blog about this but show me some love right now.  
Having exciting energy can upset the system but it's all good.  I love feeling excited and I cant wait until Mo comes.  

7 more sleeps!

Friday, 30 August 2013

So many blogs to write, so many vlogs to edit

Morning all

News in the Usher household is plentiful right now!

There is so much going on.  I love life when it's like that!

Now it's mostly about this fella right now, my adorable Mo.

In 8 sleeps he will be getting on the plane to come here and join me for the start of a brand new life together.

You can imagine how exciting this time is.  I'm feeling a need to blog it all as it happens so you can get up to date and be with us on the journey as it happens!

As an author I'm keen to get on with more books,  Mo and I  have decided we have an amazing story and we should be sharing it with others to give them hope or to simply give them a nice story to read.

So I need a little schedule.  With my morning coffee I shall sit and blog more.  I could write until the cows come home! IT's part of what I do.... It's my passion.

I love this photo of us.  It was  a fun filled night of friends, vodka, music, laughter and dancing! We loved it.  Some of my close friends have told me they can feel the love in this photo!  How nice.

Meanwhile,  I've lots of photos I can share with you as I shop ebay and the local stores for wedding accessories etc....

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Life Coaching - Attracting the good stuff

What exactly is life coaching?

I totally have huge passion for this part of my job.  I've loved helping so many people.   Often they have felt confused about a situation.
Sometimes not motivated.
Very often simply need to thrash out a few ideas.
Business people have needed to be held accountable.

"Louise really helped me when I needed help with a big job decision.  I'm in a high profile position with work and didn't feel I could air my worries to colleagues. Speaking it all through with Louise helped me make the right decision for my future and I'm really glad she was able to make it clear for me." Rosie

"I was always so worried to go certain places at certain times.  I knew I was being silly.  But Lou made me realise this is my fear and it's real to me and I suppose not silly after all." Barbara

If you find you lie awake at night worrying about things you don't need to worry about really or the answers keep arguing with themselves inside your head as you drive around each day, maybe Life Coaching if for you.

Showing you how to get motivated is a big step forward. 

Clearing the 'spaghetti head' as I call it is another.

Realising that everything doesn't have to be perfectly in place.  Including you.  You can still make progress.

Answering your lifes purpose.  Your passions.  Making them your dream come true.

There are so many ways in which coaching can help you.  Once you feel clear on your direction there will be no stopping you.  What is stopping you right now?  You may even be able to answer your own issues just by reading this post.

Posts like this have been known to ignite a spark into your decision to make a change.  Why not!
Will it make your life seem better?  Go for it!  See here for more help.

Or come on over and join my facebook group for free to share some space with other like minded people.

Sending much love in time for an awesome day.

Ps sign up to this blog to hear news of my brand new weight loss coaching programme that's coming soon. Only £9.99 per month

Saturday, 24 August 2013

I'd love you to follow my blog! What would you love to see?

Hey guys

Hope you are all well on this rainy August day.  The biggest day in the Wedding Calendar and it's raining.  Poor Brides.

Me? I'm enjoying writing here today in front of the french doors which are wide open.  The cool wet air drifting in refreshingly.  Lovely.

Anyhow,  today is a day of reading the blogs I love and get such pleasure from.  All the while I am giving you a call to action please:

I'd love you to follow my blog here and also my Vlog on youtube:

I love to write about many things.  I'm a life coach as well as a Salon business coach.  Therefore I can give tips on

* Hair and Beauty stuff
* Business stuff
* Life stuff (big subject)
* Wedding stuff (sign up to see the next blog!)
* UK visa applications (Just completed)
* Weight loss
* Infertility

Now considering my usual fee,  this is a giveaway! Yay, we like those don't we!

If, like me, you want to make the best from your life and aren't sure can read my book on the Law of Attraction.  I KNOW this stuff works and I've just managed my biggest manifestation of all!

Again, follow here and I will tell all in my upcoming blogs.

Where else you can find me?


Please get in touch. I see loads of pageviews which is fantastic and I'd love to know what it is that you love the most.  Right now it seems to be the beauty stuff.  There are tons of gorgeous girlies doing this in braces.  My braces came off a few years ago so I wonder if I could offer something different.  Lifestyle advice is a favourite of mine.  But feel free to let me know

I'm off to write, write, write this bank holiday weekend as I really want to update you with my news!!

Much love

Louise x

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Barry M nails with gellux

So enjoyed doing my clients nails today :) candy pink gellux and this Barry M prickly pear!

What do you think?


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Hello!!!! Is it me you're looking for?

I've missed you guys!

How ARE you?

Where have I been?  

Oh,  you know,  stuff......  been doing more business stuff.  Drumming up work,  making a living.  This blog might do that one day and nothing will make me happier,  meanwhile I will keep writing here for pleasure.

My update:

*Still no visa news.  My gorgoeus fiance and I are still patiently waiting to find out if we can be together soon.

*I've lost a bit of weight.  I've been asked to get involved with a weight loss group (used to do this before,  shall i blog about it?  Answers below) which means another bit of work which I love.  Obviously it motivated me to lose a couple of lbs which crept on as they do.

*Having a nice time this summer,  enjoying the weather.  Thinking of throwing mum a  birthday party but she's not well right now.

*Twins are having teenage sleep overs all the time right now.  Which is fine.  I'm fine.  No,  really,  I'm fine!

*Decided to make more desk time which will be more productive now I'm not needed in the same way for my twins.

What you all been up to?

Monday, 5 August 2013

Ever thought about writing a book? Plus a giveaway!

My amazon page makes me really proud of myself.

Now tell me,  have you ever dreamed of getting your book in print?  Something about print isn't there? 


* Standing there with a big wide grin with your book in your hand

* Getting your pen and signing a copy of your book

* A queue of people waiting for you to sign your book

Wow what a thought.  Do you have an idea for a book?  A nugget of an idea?

What are you waiting for my friend?

What is stopping you from doing exactly what I have done?  Publish your book.

It really can be your dream come true.  It's not rocket science.

Many authors think it's really lame to publish a book of......guess what I'm going to say??...

For one minute,  try to think of something you already have in your resources that you could turn into a product that could make you money online? 
What is there that you already have in your head or online or in your computer memory that you could publish or record or put into a digital product?

Your blog!

Why not? 

Because some best selling authors don't do it that way?  Well you can if you want to.  Get your collection of blogs together,  pop them on a pdf file and upload to Amazon.  Easy peasy.

Ok, so it's not quite so easy and if you would like another more technical blog finding out how please let me know and I will post one.  Think about this,  the likes of and her very good friend who both have a huge following!  Imagine if only a fraction of their followers bought their book,  frankly they could still make a mint.

How much can you make?

My books on Amazon right now are low price and little mini books that you can read in a couple of lunchtimes.  I make just under £1 per purchase.  So think,  how many followers do you have right now?  What if half of them bought?

How much would you make?

Your followers are also likely to re-read your published blogs next to each other and get a brand new affection for your blog and start their love affair all over again.  What if - they passed your book onto a friend - you would gain more followers.

Soon enough you are right up their with Sprinkle and Zoe too......

My book listed on Amazon started out as a practise run for the long book I'm writing called - "IVF - Happiness in Vitro?" all about my IVF journey.

However,  The basics to the Law of attraction has caused quite a stir in changing peoples lives so much so that I'm proud to be giving a copy away.

If you would like to be in with a chance for this giveaway,  you can be anywhere in the world... you need to be a Lusher Life blog follower and please follow me on as many of the other platforms as you feel you would like to and share this post.  Let me know in the comments below where you've followed and shared.  One entry for every single thing you've done!





You can also purchase the book here: 

Good Luck my friends x

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Kids growing up - My twins

Long ago,  in a time which seems like yesterday,  I cradled my miracle IVF twins on their Christening day.

Can you imagine how proud I was on this day.  I never thought the day would come.  9 years of trying,  injections,  tests, operations and the like finally brought me my gorgeous twins.

A girl and a boy.


Feeling blessed every step of the way,  I can say hand on heart I'm one lucky mother.  They are a really sweet pair of children.  Today though,  they are growing up.  So much so that the time I booked off to spend with them on these summer holidays I'm finding myself ever so slightly redundant.  Most mums would scream: "Yesssss.... more coffee shop time!"

Leaving me in a place of, "What now?" Can be a little overwhelming.  My twins very much still need me so I can't go far and it's certainly not time to tour the country with work as I did pre-twins.  So here I am thinking,  "I need more right now."  

Wondering what that is,  I took a phone call from one of my best friends in the world,  Lulu.  She's wise.  Her response after I told her all my thoughts and how I'm loving writing more but still going with my business she said,
"My answer when you have several balls in the air is keep them in the air until such a time as you begin to drop one,  cos that's the time it isn't working."
Great point.  So here I am,  being a bit of a mum,  a salon consultant, writer and blogger.  Does writer and blogger come in as one?

Sad but cute thing:  My twins are very aware of me being alone until I finally greet Mo at the airport.  They often check on me to see I'm ok.  They are cute.  Bless them.  We will always be close and I know that will never change.  Leaving them to spread their wings is one of the hardest part of parenting.

Maybe it's time for some more babies.....


Friday, 2 August 2013

How much? This blog has earned me............

Have a guess?

Do you blog???

Is it a blog from which you hope to make a profit? Although it might be for fun,  or to publish your journals or whatever your platform - do you hope to make a little money from it?

Me too!!


I have been on the internet since 1998.  I think that's around about the time that chat rooms first opened.  You would go into the room and say:

"Hi room."

Haha how far we have come.  Now, fast forward until today.  August 2nd 2013.  My blogger blog has been going some years but only in the past 2-3 months have I started blogging more regularly.  

Also,  I've uploaded lots more to Youtube and my writing platform is taking on a new direction.  I really felt that I would expand my audience for my books by blogging more effectively.

Never did I expect to read so many amazing stories from such inspiring women.

Never did I expect to open up so honestly in a way that didn't even frighten me.

Never did I expect to be adding affiliate links to my blogs and adwords to generate an income.

Lucky me,  I have so far over my entire time on the internet managed to earn $2.07.

Oh my goodness.  Now as I'm not in any sponsorship deals right now which leaves me unable to declare how much I earn.   Therefore I have told you.  When you search the web for:

"How much money I can make blogging"
"How to earn money blogging"

You find lots of links to partnership sites.  Maybe I'm missing a trick here.  The main thing is:

I'm doing something I love.

My readership is growing.

I am making some awesome friends.

Thank you folks,  for welcoming me into your community.  If you feel a need to share my blog to help me towards my dream of full time writer,  part time coach then that would be fantastic.

Right now I'm full time coach, part time writer which I still love but at times need my job to be based from my laptop.

Also if you click this sponsorship link you will see I'm inviting some lovely blogs in my sidebar for like,  really cheap.  My views are growing and growing and I'm excited for the future.

Thank you once again for helping me towards my dreams 

Much love x
© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.