This is a time of year when some people find the darker days quite hard.
By 3pm it is beginning to get dark and the sun only starts to show itself at 7am in the morning. Frequently, it is somewhat dark all day. And some people can feel quite low at this time. Some of us may have lost someone dear, had our heartbroken or had health challenges and the festive season seems to highlight these feelings. My wish for you is to be kind to yourself. Carve out time in your day to do what you love. Something which can give you a better feeling thought will make a difference, I promise. Aiming to look for the beauty around us is helpful, but sometimes it isn’t as easy as it sounds. And that is when you need to listen to your needs and take good care of yourself, whatever that looks like for you. I like to watch relaxing cinematic videos, overlaid by sweet music. If you need to reach out, please do.
In this video, I spent some time doing things I love. Making coffee. Writing. Going out to walk by the sea. Taking Jasmine for hot chocolate. I loved my day. Yes, it was very cold. But we loved it nonetheless.