Saturday, 18 June 2022

Camber Sands beach in Sussex - the best beach in England?

The smell of an early evening barbeque, the call of greedy seagulls ahead, friends laughing and the odd beats of some mixed music means it must be summer in England.

Many years ago, when my brother was alive, he would gather friends on an Annual trip to Camber Sands beach. They would spend the day on the beach, enjoying the sun, dipping into the sea and eating picnics. They made a day of it, staying on the beach until sundown. In June, this means 10pm in England - and it beats laying in a hot bed, unable to sleep.

Recently, we had a hot day, before its time, in the UK. So my daughter, our friend and I took to Camber sands for the lovliest day out. We spent time laughing, like girls should, and enjoying the feeling of soft sand on our feet.

This video shows you a girls day out on the camber sands beach, in Rye, Sussex. It's one of the best beaches in the Uk, in my opinion, and definitely one of the most popular.

We enjoyed eating cheesy chips in one of the little huts at the side of the sand. Sitting high in the sand dunes helped protect us from the wind and the sun was shining brightly on us and the wet sand. What a beautiful day we had.


Saturday, 4 June 2022

What is self care to you?

Self love kind of morning on June 4th 

 Many of us have an anniversary day for ourselves. 
The day we got sober, put ourselves first, said no to an abuser, or a day to mark our independence. 

 June 4th is the day of a new journey when I was confused and hurt, but began a new path into finding my way into something else. 
The day I didn’t give up. 
The day I put me and my unborn twins as my priority. 
And no matter what was thrown our way, we kept on going. Celebrate YOU today for whatever reason you can find. 
And yes, this is cheesy and personal but without these life stories, how can we learn? Time to 
🖊 journal 
☕️ have a cuppa 
🐾 love Harley 
🧴moisturise all morning 
💻 edit some travel vids

 Just for a couple of hours…💜

© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.