Sunday, 27 February 2022

All inclusive resort in the UK?

 Potters resort in Norfolk, England is a venue like no other. 

Butlins? Nope. 

Pontins? Definitely not. 

Abroad even? Possibly. 

But this a staycation of a uniqueness in the uk. 

You see, at Potters, everything is included. The food and drink (top notch!), the activities, swimming, entertainment (think Broadway), and the comfiest accommodation. 

Here is the VLOG of the weekend.

Fully inclusive in other ways too, this resort is accessible and the chef is very thorough when dealing with special dietary requirements. I’m impressed. 

Although this trip wasn’t perfect. Because I was unable to book for next year. Sad times. 

There is something called gender balancing with a dance weekend. Just to prevent there being a heap of ladies sat on the side of the dance floor, awaiting a partner. I mean, bopping along or tapping your feet is acceptable, but we come to jive. To do Ceroc, and the best way is with a partner. I understand this. And I think the idea is a good one. That said, jasmine (my daughter), and I travel together and this makes things tricky for us. 

Shamefully, I think I should have known that the booking was open. Why? Because, well, I’ve been going since the first year it opened. Another story to ge told for that (I smile as I type, remembering discoving drink dancing and Sambuca)… and because I’ve been dancing for 21 years on the Ceroc science, longer on the modern, ballroom and Latin scene. But alas, this doesn’t qualify me for a ticket if I’m not first in line, nor does it prevent me growing older, and my kids growing up. 

Another hiccup.

Jasmine is really finding her groove on the dance floor now. She was dancing a year before lockdown, and the interruption stopped the flow, but now, she is in great demand. That used to be me, and yes, a part of me is sad that the lead men ask her to dance and don’t return for me. Is that weird or normal? Are my feelings valid? Who wants to feel like a has-been? But, thanks to Craig, I did compete in the massive ballrooms of London, and became a finalist, and loved it. Time to hand it over to Jasmine now and maybe she will get that medal that was at my fingertips. 

I’m proud of her. 

I’m proud of me. 

I still go and try. Even though “they” told me to stop. “Get in the wheelchair after a ten-minute session on your feet.” They said. I’ll do my best to keep my mobility and I believe movement, music and smiles will help with that. 

Potters, it was a total pleasure. 

Ceroc, wowzers, loved the music and dance. 

Food..well, it’s not my friend at the best of times but it was delicious. 

Want to know where we are travelling to next?  


Monday, 7 February 2022

A strange story from Center Parcs

 In this video, you won't believe how many things went wrong after we left the spa.

We got locked out, the security couldn't even get us in. He let us sit in his van and the wipers randomly went off... finally, we got in, the place was freezing as the door was being fixed, so I lit a fire. You won't believe what happened next but suffice to say a nurse, stitches and blood were involved *trigger warning. The next day was breathtaking as we were due to leave. I did the usual 'man's job' of going to collect the car. It was thick frost, bright sunshine and completely wonderful. Is this how I was really feeling? Or was I feeling his absence?


Sunday, 6 February 2022

A look around aqua Sana spa at Woburn Forest, Center Parcs

 It was the day to head to the Aqua Sana spa at our Woburn Forest Center Parcs break. We were excited to get into a relaxing state of mind and have some treatments done.

Unfortunately for me, a few things went wrong, which was upsetting, but I quickly looked at the good bits, laid on a waterbed and enjoyed the rest of the day, which was VERY zen. After that, we headed home to a disaster waiting to happen. Watch the next video to see what happened!

Center Parcs playlist:

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