Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Anstey Harris The Truths and Triumphs of Grace Atherton

Anstey Harris is the author of The Truths and Triumphs of Grace Atherton.

Thankfully, I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Anstey in summer 2018.  Following my acceptance onto the MA programme for Creative Writing I felt I really ought to get up to speed with a  little extra education and saw a short course up for grabs under the watchful eye of Anstey.

With vocabulary to demonstrate the glass half full within her teaching that summer, I felt at home in my new writer world.  Of course, only to be further impressed when this talented author showed us a copy of her book which was soon to be released by Simon and Schuster.

Finding the authors lurking over on Twitter was a great way of keeping in touch and knowing where to find them.  Anstey has kept her twitter page up to date with all of the upcoming signings for the book.

I, for one will be going along with excitement.  You might even spot some up and coming authors from my university cohort as we are all going to pick Ansteys expert author brain!

Where and when?

You can find the book and signing at Waterstones, Rose Lane, Canterbury in Kent on 
Saturday 16th February between 14.30-16.00

My next few blog posts will be sharing stories of my own writer journey following some short pieces we created on Ansteys course.

Hope to see you at the book signing!

Louise xoxo 

Monday, 14 January 2019

How do you know if this is the right job for you?

Just occasionally, we get this feeling where we feel a little,
     “Ugh, I really don’t want to do that/can’t be bothered”

Then other times we feel,
     “OH goodness this is incredible, I could do this all day/totally loving this”

So how do you know well enough to recognize these things?  I addressed that in todays Motivational Monday video. 

Last week I was working on some exciting things.  Two of them left my stomach lurching and I knew I didn’t want to progress with this. One other project got me so so excited and I was totally buzzing with the progression of the work.

How do you know?

1.     Tap into how it is making you think as you begin to talk about it or think about it.
2.     Does the conversation in your head have you thinking you are less than keen?
3.     Is there a kind of lurching in your stomach at the thought of carrying through this task or job?
4.     Do you feel more than excited at the prospect of this ‘thing’ coming into fruition
5.     Are you giving this project your all?

Does this make sense to you are resonate? Perhaps you literally needed it spelt out and are now nodding along thinking ‘ahh yes’

My belief is these things are important in the big scheme of life. Contributing to your health and wellness as well as life excitements. 

As always, much love

Louise xoxo


Friday, 4 January 2019

Look back over 2018

Ok, yes we know it's cheesy and these are everywhere this early in January.

Indulge me a little?

I mean, after working hard on getting my first lot of MA coursework submitted like 35 minutes ago I'm literally craving to get my fingers back on this blog.  I missed you guys.  There definitely has been a serious lack of blogging in my life.  Which as you know by now is something I could do all day, every day. 

If you are subscribed to my Youtube you might know lots more than has been shared on this blog lately.  Things are CRAZY  Honestly.  Life is just Mad.  Mostly in a good way.  A rollercoaster and I'm determined to keep a check on life while I'm being thrown some challenges.

2019 travel is all on hold currently due to Mum's health which is difficult because of the review work I carry out but she must come first at this time. Nevertheless, there will be time even if it's just not right now. 

Happy new year! 

So it's now 2019 - Gosh.  I hope it brings you all you are wishing for and hoping life can bring.  Remember the law of attraction won't you! 

2018 was a year of incredible shocks and twists and turns for me in my life.  No-one was more shocked than me.  Suffice to say 2019 sees me entering a totally different person to the one I began 2018 with.  Better? Hmm, the jury is still out. 

My beautiful daughter has been working with me on my social media this past few moths and she very sweetly created a set of Instagram Stories over on my personal page. I loved it so much I decided to share them here with you too.  You can still see them over there if you are quick.

I'm still  in a slight turmoil if I keep the pseudonym on instagram or not.  I'll chat more with you about that in the coming weeks. The idea was to keep the SEO tidy between non-fiction and fiction. But I might just let you decide if you want to read science or romance. You aren't daft!

So, 2018....

It's been quite a year and some of these photos can never quite show what is internally happening.  Perhaps no photos can capture that.  

Meantime, see more on Instagram from me and Jasmine

Let us know you're over from here and we will give you a follow back too.  Love IG don't you!!

Wishing you everything wonderful for 2019 

Much love

Louise xoxo

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