Friday, 29 August 2014

Manifestations - how to remember them!

Ok,  we know how to begin with our manifestations now.

Do we?

If not,  have a search within this blog and see what you can find.  We have lots.

Now, a little tip for you is to post stuff all over the place.  See things around your home.  Pop a post it note on the way down the stairs reminding you of the things you want to manifest.

On your desk,  write a note and stick it somewhere you can see it.

Drink from a mug which reminds you,  wear a t shirt that reminds you.  Write in a day book which will keep you thinking,  "I can change my reality."

Drink from a glass like this.... you can see more gifts in the link above.  

Make sure you follow this blog to get more tips.  Send me some of your own tips.  Feel free to submit your story for submission onto this blog.  Wonder stories of manifestations are awesome!

Meanwhile,  much love to you on this lovely weekend.

Louise xoxox

ps:  My biggest way of creating things I want and need is to use mind movies.  If you haven't heard of mind movies I'll pop a link below.  However, a lovely lady I know called Natalie Ledwell has an amazing way of explaining manifestations.  Read this for wonderful tips:

 5 Simple Steps For Creating Powerful Affirmations

By Natalie Ledwell

Do you know what the majority of the world's most successful
people have in common?

Well, besides being wealthy and sometimes famous, many of them 
actually use affirmations and visualization to bring their dreams and 
goals to reality! 

One really good example is the story of Jim Carrey. Jim used to go 
up every night to Mulholland Drive and sit on top of his car, look 
out at the city, stretch out his arms and say: "Everybody wants to 
work with me. I'm a really good actor. I have all kinds of great 
movie offers." 

He would repeat these affirmations over and over until he convinced
himself that he had a couple of movies lined up. But he didn't stop 
there, he also wrote a check to himself for 10 million dollars, kept it 
in his wallet and then 6 months later he got this amount as a payment 
for his work on 'Dumb and Dumber'! Not bad, huh? 

As you can see, affirmations are extremely powerful and the reason 
is because they directly affect our conscious and subconscious mind. 
And by consistently repeating them with conviction and passion, they 
reprogram our thoughts allowing us to not only change our state of 
mind, but to also materialize our dreams and goals regardless of how 
big or crazy they may seem. 

So if you'd like to follow the footsteps of some of the most successful 
people in the world... 

Then follow these 5 simple tips to create powerful affirmations, and 
start manifesting your dreams right away! 

1. Start with the words, "I Am..." These two words are extremely 
powerful as your brain knows that you're referring to yourself. Starting 
your affirmations with these two words will give your subconscious 
mind clarity and belief that whatever comes after them, IS your reality.

2. Write in the present tense. When you say affirmations in present 
tense, you're reassuring yourself that you believe whatever is in your 
affirmation, is factual and real right now. 

Your mind can't tell the difference between past or future, fake or real, 
this is why when you imagine yourself drinking lemon juice, you start 
producing saliva. Also, when your words are in the present tense, your 
mind can visualize the image at the same time. 

3. Keep it positive. Avoid words with negative connotations like 'not 
to', 'don't, 'can't', 'fear', etc. Our minds focus more on these words
instead of avoiding them. For example, if I asked you NOT TO think 
about a blue elephant, your mind will picture a blue elephant even though 
I asked you not to think about it. Instead of saying 'I am able to get rid 
of stage fright', say 'I am enjoying the excitement of speaking on stage'. 

4. Make it short and clear. Remember that the main purpose of an 
affirmation is for you to be able to picture it and ingrain it into your mind. 
So when creating an affirmation, make it direct and specific. 

5. Make it exciting. When creating affirmations, you want to create 
positive, self-affirming, self-empowering statements that uplift and inspire 
you. So make sure you add fun and exciting words like, 'I am 
ENJOYING making $100,000 a year.' 

Repeat your affirmations as many times a day as you can, even when you
may feel you don't need to. Remember that consistency is key if you really 
want to make a positive and lasting change in your life. 

Now that you know one of the greatest secrets for creating wealth and 
success in your life, I want to share with you something that personally 
helped me achieve the financial success that I had always desired - which 
was figuring out (and removing) any mental traps that were lingering in 
my mind! 

To help you, I created a FREE, fun and powerful 30-second quiz. 

[Take the quiz here right now] << Click me!

After just a few quick multiple choice questions, you'll get access to a 
free, revealing video report detailing what mental trap could be blocking 
you from the financial freedom and success you desire right now, PLUS 
how to remove it!


About the Author: Natalie Ledwell is a Law of Attraction expert, 
bestselling author and speaker. She also hosts an online TV Show, 
The Inspiration Show, and is a co-founder of the personal 
development company, Mind Movies, which offers online courses 
and coaching programs. Natalie is passionate about helping others 
to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through personal 

Find out more about Natalie and Mind Movies by visiting


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Is manifestation always what it's cracked up to be?

By now,  you know that on this blog we teach you that you can have whatever you desire in your life.

Sometimes,  it isn't always what you hoped it would be.  To conform with others or indeed to what we think should be everyones dream can often find that we don't really want a yacht.

Or a massive house with a lake in the grounds.... or millions of pounds or dollars which may cause overwhelm.

So what's the point?  The point is finding what it is that makes you feel happy.  What desires do you have really?  Get clear on those and you will find no end of ease in manifesting what you really want.

This is such a hard concept to grasp.  For instance, we have seen lately, via the news that sometimes,  big stars get to the top and can be the best in the industry and have fame everywhere they go.
Of course there is a sense of duty that comes with this.  There is a lack of privacy and this can also cause misery.  

Try thinking of 3 words which best describe you when you have the best feeling in the world.  Feelings like:
Financially free.

And the list goes on,  make your list then get it down to the 3 strongest feelings you have within the list.  My top spot is Freedom.  Therefore,  fame would not appeal to me on a level where I will not be able to walk the streets doing the shopping.

So what exactly do I mean?  I'll give you a perfect example.

Last weekend,  just for the fun of it,  my children and I went looking at very plush show houses on many new housing complexes that had just been built.

You would think that a manifestation would be a new house.  Bigger house?  Bigger garden and the like.  Out of the mouthes of babes my children mentioned how close we are to all the shops, schools, friends just now.  
"We wouldn't be able to get to school from here." They advised.
"I like my bedroom as it is really."
"Maybe we need to make our house look like a show home and clear out old things."
"Look, they don't have things around in this house.  No toothbrushes or keys...."

Great point.  And so we decided we are in our dream home and we are going to work hard at making improvements to it and just make a few changes to create a fresh feel.

Decide what you want.  Then go for it!

Or send me your anonymous blog for review to my email. 

Much love

Louise xoxox


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

First story in the Anonymous blog series - this will take your breath away!

As I mentioned just a few short weeks ago,  I am inviting you to submit your stories to me to enter on this blog.

These might be stories you are embarrassed to share or simply can't share because they cannot go under your name.  All I ask is that it is a story that ends on a positive twist.  For example, if you are telling of how your heart has been broken,  what did you learn from that?  How has it helped you since.

Most of all, I love stories of manifestation and law of attraction based so these are the most likely to get published.  There is no charge for this but there is a chance that one of your stories may end up in my published book of amazing stories.

See the blog post with all the details here.

Now here is the first story which will totally blow your mind.  Things like this really do happen.  If you don't know about the Law of attraction you need to learn so you too can witness this stuff happening too.

The Ring with the Loose stone

I have a ring with a loose stone. I bought this ring in Clacton on Sea, years ago- at a shop which probably no longer exists. The year I was married. The stone itself Is probably a lab created one- Alexandrite- based on its moderate cost. This ring got a day out several weeks ago, on a busy outing on new streets and shops. I think it was taken to a bakery, a gallery, and a Tesco Express. When I discovered the stone gone| l looked for it for several days, not expecting to find it. It was going to be hard to find a lost ring-but a lost stone?! Sean asked what I was looking for. l said a ring is Missing. He said" your wedding ring?" I said no-its not that- its one l dont really want to worry about. l dont worry about my jewelry anymore.
But I looked, when I could. l even looked at Tesco in the bread area where I had shopped that day. I let it go, knowing it was best not to worry about these types of trivialities , particularly now with so much going on.

2 weeks have passed. Over time we have actually changed rooms in the hotel- moved from a noisy room on first floor to a less noisy one on fifth floor. From there , the days pass on, with work and our daily routine.

This morning I searched scripture for something the pastor Dave at Hope City Liverpool church said last week. He was reading in Chronicles 28 about how God knows where we are exactly, precisely...and want to establish His work through us. How He goes above and beyond to find Us. And certain people in the household of David were chosen to do certain things espressly by Gods direction. How God uses everything- nothing is wasted. Every part of our life has a purpose!
After I read a bit more, l stopped and went to get my phone across the room... I looked down and Saw something shiny on the floor near our bedroom door. It looked like a metal chip but it was a strange color. When I picked it up- it was this little Alexandrite stone , lost weeks ago on the first floor! I have no idea how it got there. It defies explanation.
God Is truly amazing. Even the "little things "matter to him. Nothing is wasted... When I leave Liverpool, will take the messages heard here with me- and other amazing gifts of the spiritual kind.

Monday, 18 August 2014

I need your help please - a new blog?

Hi there to all the lovely folks reading this blog.

Could you kindly help me with a comment below?  You see, if you follow this blog avidly, you will know that I am pretty soon off to University to venture into the world of Dietetics.
If that sounds like a foreign word to you,  it's all about Nutrition and at the end of it (after successfully graduating and registering) I will be able to practise as a Registered Dietitian.

Looking on the internet,  there are many blogs about cooking,  health,  weight loss etc but for the budding dietitian like me,  there really aren't so many student blogs.

So I would love to share my experiences on the blog platform as always.  Yet I'm unsure as to if I should use this pretty popular blog or start a totally new one.

I'd love your opinions on this.  Of course it will sometimes be technical stuff but often written with the reader in mind and more about the life experience within the Uni.  Which kind of fits into this Law of Attraction/lifestyle blog.

Please take a few minutes to leave me a comment below and I will keep you posted in return.  I will either share a new website and blog with you,  or I will let you know on here where I will place it within this website.

Thanks guys,  you're so awesome.

Much love

Louise xoxox

Here's the other blog announcing the news to become an RD


Thursday, 14 August 2014

Ever wondered if you are blocking your own abundance?


As a Personal Growth enthusiast, we know how important your life goals are to you. But if you've ever had one particular goal that has constantly eluded you - no matter how hard you've worked towards it - then this might interest you...

>>It's a live "Unblock Your Abundance" Session with Christie Marie Sheldon

And it's happening on Tuesdays at 6pm PST.

Christie is a leading Energy Healer and she explains that there are certain subconscious barriers that may be hijacking your dream life - Without you even knowing it.

She calls them "Abundance Blocks" and she's narrowed them down to 24 specific blocks. Any one of these blocks can easily throw your life off-course.

Over 43,000 people experienced Christie's session earlier this year and the feedback was incredible. But what was even more amazing were the results that some of the attendees experienced in the following days...

I'm talking about surprise checks in the mail.

Lucrative business deals manifesting out of thin air.

Brilliant ideas that help you shine at work.

And other unexpected abundance synchronicities.

Imagine what your life would look like if any one of these events happened to you consistently?

>>> Click here to RSVP your FREE spot

Much love as always, Louise xoxox

P.S. Find out what other participants have said after experiencing this "Unblock your Abundance" Session...


"OMG!!! Is anyone else experiencing the phenomenal side effects of this call? My daughter and I won a trip to San Francisco today, ALL EXPENSES PAID for a 5 day college tour among other wonderful priceless blessings? I am just so grateful!"

~ Moniesa Scott

"Before the event I had a very sore neck and after the clearing it was totally gone. I really believe the Abundance Block was literally sitting in my neck knowing it would get "killed" that evening ? and it did. Thanks so much Christie!!!"

~ Sylvia Mann

"Thanks for the most amazing release ? I landed my dream job within hours of listening to your broadcast. It was already in motion however my confirmation came only hrs of listening to your webinar"

~ Nadine Oliver

>>> Click here to RSVP your FREE spot


Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Acupuncture session and clearing my Qi

So,  I'm just about to head off for my first ever acupuncture session.  After reading up on it last night, I am very excited as I think this really might be my cup of tea!

Traditional Chinese Medicine speaks of Qi (spoken Chi) which is the energy flow around the body.  Now,  new news to me is that we can get blocks in our meridians.  So heaven only knows where this might go from today.

On the NHS the gentleman practised Western versions of Acupunture which eases the blood flow to the muscles.  Find out how I got on by clicking the video here:

Let me tell you,  it's feeling a whole lot better already!

Much love

Louise xoxox

Acupuncture Books in Amazon

ps,  have you ever had something like this done?  How was it for you?  Leave me a comment or two to let me know you are still around.


Tuesday, 12 August 2014

My camping weekend in England!

So this year sees a different kind of holiday for me.  With loads going on we decided to keep it local and go camping this year! 

Off we trotted to the local campsite on the Kent and Sussex boarder.  A little place called the Bodiam Boating Station, right near Bodiam Castle.

The weather was not kind to us - as I was finishing chatting to my last client on Friday morning (to head home and pack and leave) her phone startled me as it began making a thunder and lightening sound.
"Oh that's an app telling me the hurricane is on its way." She informed me.  My eyes rolled but still, we drove through Kent in torrential rain and out the other side into glorious sunshine. 

See the photos here and you can imagine my delight at the gluten free cake.... 

Honestly though, this was a wonderful break and I felt very tired but fresh coming back from it.  I could write all day long about this lovely place.  You can see my review on Trip Advisor if you fancy knowing more.

Setting up camp

Steam train passing by

Kiddies playing with bubbles!

Harley enjoying 40 winks in the nature

Hire the fire pit here if you go! Creates a proper camping atmosphere!

Cheeky Cricket perfectly perched by the breakfast table!

Beautiful Bridge right near the campsite.  Includes a boating station so we all had a go on the Kayaks

The family, awaiting the boat trip

Main House

Tea garden served gluten free carrot cake and vanilla latte! Perfect

I love a bit of Buddah - Namaste

Our neighbours had a perfect set up!

Needs no introduction!

This boat takes you up to Bodiam Castle.

"Hi Oona, I'm Harley!"

Waiting for the boat to come back

Gorgeous views through the nature

Ready for anything

We cooked our own bread in the dutch oven in the fire pit! 

See the 'super moon' 

While this isn't a sponsored post, I felt a great need to share none the less - highly recommend a trip such as this to get you grounded and do some meditation.  Getting away from the internet and screen reading which we all do constantly is great for manifestations!

Much love

Louise xoxox

Blog reviews wanted for your place? See here: First Choice

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Happy weekend to you!

As it's very nearly the weekend, I thought I would share some joy for you all through this lovely photo. 

Usually they just hop onto my Facebook page 
So here you go. Have a wonderful day. 

You can also join in the fun on the Facebook group 
© Louise Usher. All rights reserved.