I am so very excited to share with you a link to my new blog! As I told you previously, I was in the process of writing and setting up this brand new blog and I'm astonished and overwhelmed at the page views it's getting already, with simply one post on it!
Gracious me!
So, even at this time of year when most of the bikini body workouts are done and people start to think more about health in September (after the summer) there is still an audience for this stuff!
The type of thing I will be posting on the blog are recipes, videos and lots of health and nutrition advice. A way of helping to to regain better health through food choices.
Diets are fast becoming unfashionable as more and more folks realise that it's all about eating a balanced diet. Not a one size fits all type of thing but rather listening to your body and tailoring what you eat with what suits you.
So go over and take a look at the new blog by clicking here!
And if you are keen to find out more about getting some personal coaching from me then see this page.
Want to advertise your own blog on there? No problem. See the ad page.
Look me up on twitter, Facebook and instagram and let's connect! I love sharing stuff with you guys and knowing my readers have awesome profiles too!
Looking forward to keeping you all up to date with the latest news! Take care and let me know how your week is going.
Much love
Louise xoxox
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Friday, 20 June 2014
Que Sera Sera - is that how you spell it?
Hey Folks,
Do you know how to spell Que Sera Sera? Do you know what it means? If you remember the song from long, long ago you will remember how the words began...
"When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, what will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me...
Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be will be.."
Oh so true!
Do you ever wish you can plan the future or change things? If there is a big decision to be taken in your life you will more often than not try to begin to wish you had a crystal ball.
Well, I'm not sure who I asked when I was just a little girl but I did sit and wonder what I should do with my life. I guess this becomes an important question when we are at school. Taking and choosing options is such a stressful thing. Now for me, I was told by my lovely Aunt that we should get a job that we are going to enjoy. This was a new concept for me to get my head around.
Hmm, a job I enjoy.
So often at the age of 14 I had witnessed stuff on TV which suggested working was a chore and one which people endured simply to pay the bills, as this is what they had to do. Had to.
Thinking hard, I decided that the subject I loved best at school and seemed to be pretty good at was one subject called "Food and Nutrition." So off I toddled to the school offices to discuss my future. I really wish I could know the person to give me the advice that day.
"Well, there aren't really that many jobs around to become a dietitian." I was told when I expressed an interest in linking food to health. Really?
Really? Oh gosh. That's right, just 15 years earlier we had all been told to eat a low fat diet to sort out the obesity problem. Hmm, that was working well. (Not).
Taking the advice of the 'expert' I decided to pursue a career as a chef instead. I went to catering college and LOVED the science bit. The hygiene, the bacteria, colloidal systems. It all interested me so much. Luckily for me, I was able to enjoy a very successful career within the hospitality industry. IT has served me well.
Since my own health struggles with Crohns disease, I became more and more interested in food and its link with health. I began to turn my own life around using all number of techniques linking nutrition. More and more recently I have been helping other people either lose weight or regain health all using the natural resources of food.
This has taken me to a new place of deciding to begin my life long wish to become registered as a dietitian. It won't be easy and it will take many years of study to get to this point, yet for now I'm so lucky that I have passed my diploma in nutrition and am able to begin helping others.
Through my new blog lusherlifenutrition and a Youtube channel I will be helping others with ideas for new cooking and also largely for motivation. Thankfully we now have the power of the internet and I am opening my coaching to include more clients now too. Details of this to follow or you can email me to find out more.
This blog will be going of course, as more of a diary type blog and still sharing my law of attraction videos and other links that I find.
Just goes to show you, it's never too late to begin. Whatever your dream or desire is in life. Mine is to help people to turn life around, just as I have, using nutrition.
Wishing you all the very best of health and a wonderful day!
Much love
Louise xoxox
Sponsor my next blog here: http://www.louiseusher.co.uk/p/sponsor.html
Do you know how to spell Que Sera Sera? Do you know what it means? If you remember the song from long, long ago you will remember how the words began...
"When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, what will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me...
Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be will be.."
Oh so true!
Do you ever wish you can plan the future or change things? If there is a big decision to be taken in your life you will more often than not try to begin to wish you had a crystal ball.
Well, I'm not sure who I asked when I was just a little girl but I did sit and wonder what I should do with my life. I guess this becomes an important question when we are at school. Taking and choosing options is such a stressful thing. Now for me, I was told by my lovely Aunt that we should get a job that we are going to enjoy. This was a new concept for me to get my head around.
Hmm, a job I enjoy.
So often at the age of 14 I had witnessed stuff on TV which suggested working was a chore and one which people endured simply to pay the bills, as this is what they had to do. Had to.
Thinking hard, I decided that the subject I loved best at school and seemed to be pretty good at was one subject called "Food and Nutrition." So off I toddled to the school offices to discuss my future. I really wish I could know the person to give me the advice that day.
"Well, there aren't really that many jobs around to become a dietitian." I was told when I expressed an interest in linking food to health. Really?
Really? Oh gosh. That's right, just 15 years earlier we had all been told to eat a low fat diet to sort out the obesity problem. Hmm, that was working well. (Not).
Taking the advice of the 'expert' I decided to pursue a career as a chef instead. I went to catering college and LOVED the science bit. The hygiene, the bacteria, colloidal systems. It all interested me so much. Luckily for me, I was able to enjoy a very successful career within the hospitality industry. IT has served me well.
Since my own health struggles with Crohns disease, I became more and more interested in food and its link with health. I began to turn my own life around using all number of techniques linking nutrition. More and more recently I have been helping other people either lose weight or regain health all using the natural resources of food.
This has taken me to a new place of deciding to begin my life long wish to become registered as a dietitian. It won't be easy and it will take many years of study to get to this point, yet for now I'm so lucky that I have passed my diploma in nutrition and am able to begin helping others.
Through my new blog lusherlifenutrition and a Youtube channel I will be helping others with ideas for new cooking and also largely for motivation. Thankfully we now have the power of the internet and I am opening my coaching to include more clients now too. Details of this to follow or you can email me to find out more.
This blog will be going of course, as more of a diary type blog and still sharing my law of attraction videos and other links that I find.
Just goes to show you, it's never too late to begin. Whatever your dream or desire is in life. Mine is to help people to turn life around, just as I have, using nutrition.
Wishing you all the very best of health and a wonderful day!
Much love
Louise xoxox
Sponsor my next blog here: http://www.louiseusher.co.uk/p/sponsor.html
weight loss coaching
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Fathers Day gift ideas
Fathers Day
One more week until Fathers Day here in the UK.
No one is perfect. Most Dads try hard to be though. What better way to show them your gratitude than to treat them for Fathers day?
June 15th 2014 - ok so we could cook them lunch - pour them a beverage or two but what to buy?
That's not easy...
June 15th 2014 - ok so we could cook them lunch - pour them a beverage or two but what to buy?
That's not easy...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So what can you buy for your Dad? It's a tricky one at the best of times isn't it.
Aftershave? Socks?
With the help of Amazon, I was sent this email which gave some suggestions *
Although, my favourite idea is the good old kindle. The author in me loves to promote reading. Even though my Dad bought his own kindle, he does get hours and hours of pleasure out of reading. Even better when he travels as he can read for England! This obviously means more space in the suitcase for stuff he really needs to take.
This Kindle is on sale too and in case you didn't know, the books you download are pretty much always cheaper to buy than paperback books.
I wish all the Dads out there a wonderful Fathers Day and hope you are given a little bit of spoiling too on this special day.
Louise xoxox
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