Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Blogging-what should you write?

So what should you write in a blog?

For me, my favourite thing is sharing photos and thoughts. Random thoughts. This is because this is what I love to read in other blogs. 

Sometimes, I find I mentally write, wherever I am! Maybe at the gym, right now, on a train. A man sitting next to me clearly coming over into my space. His perfectly blue pinstripe suit, the type of newspaper and fact that his age is talking to me, suggests a gentleman in a high power position. Does this give him the right to squash me against the window? No. Doubtless, he's a bully at work. I might just have to open and eat my cheese and onion crisps ;)

Now I feel a blog should be whatever fires your spirit up. Me, it's writing and sharing photos. You guys seem to love my law of attraction stuff. 
Google analytics tells me that most of my audience are fellas (hi guys) which surprised me a little. I love to know what you like to see. 

I've other blogs too where I share different subjects of mine. 
I've a nutrition blog, a photography blog and some other professional stuff (coaching) yet I'm tempted to share the nutrition on here and the photography. 

I'd love your comments on what you like to see. Email me. 

So for you, if you are a blogger what inspires you? If you would like to start a blog-go for it!
If you are shy you don't need to add your name. Anonomous is fine! Will just take longer to build your audience without sharing to social media. Then, blogs like mine also offer very low cost ($5 per month) adverts on the blog. So you can gain momentum quickly. 

Meanwhile, I'll share a random photo for you and wish you a wonderful day. 

Much love

Louise xoxo

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