Sunday, 4 August 2019

Chivalry is not dead!

My fiction writing sees a female protagonist who is strong, independent and doesn't suffer fools gladly.

Yet, she is a girl who embraces her femininity much to mens confusion.  And she believes in chivalry.

This is often the description I use to highlight the 'feel' of my stories.  Often, of course, such a protagonist filters through into my life writing. Does she sound like anyone you might think is familiar?  Possibly someone who frequents this page perhaps.

Early this morning I woke with sleepy eyes, yet feeling wide awake and unable to return to my dream state, so I decided to get up and start the day.  Walking Harley, my thoughts turned to this blog and the infrequency of my writing.  I sense the blog is a great place to begin before I start on my work in progress.

So here I am.

It was too early for Starbucks on this Sunday and so I decided to take myself on a walk around the marina.  Yes, there was the perfect parking space thanks to the Law of Attraction and I went to walk through the light green door up the staircase to the marina.  A man was quickly coming out from the stairs after his gym session and flew through the door, dropping it behind him.
"Oh..." he said quietly as he turned on his heels.  He actually went back on his steps to hold the door open for me! I was more than impressed.  It wasn't like I was dressed much like a lady particularly, gym shoes, leggings and a pink lee cooper t shirt, but this gentleman really showed me for sure that Chivalry isn't dead!

Do you love chivalrous men?
Are you a gent yourself?

Reach out, let me know.


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