Friday, 10 November 2023

Why I travel - why you travel

You've heard of fight or flight.

Have you heard of freeze or fawn?

It's a new one, which can be a reason that we all love to travel so much. There is a reason we like to escape, to relax, to press pause on the stresses of life. Sometimes, when we go away, we end up feeling unwell. This is the relaxing process.

My online world has always explored the holistic approach to health and a large part of that is using creative writing. Putting my writing world on pause has caused me some low moments. You will see from this blog, I haven't posted very much. I have been posting these kind of thoughts elsewhere. 

This blog seems to do well when I share travel information and stories of journeys with you all. So, that is what you can expect to see in the coming weeks. 

As we all prepare for Christmas, there may be a lack of travel at the front of our minds, but it will come, and you can be assured I will be sharing deals I find in these pages. 

Which would you chose to read about first?








On those links are tours of hotels, information about the food (I travel as a celiac with Crohn's) among other snippets of information. I hope you will love it. If you still want deep and meaningful blogs, they will be here, scattered through the lovely information I'll be sharing with you. 


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