Wednesday 24 September 2014

Shifting the mind for Law of attraction

Are you struggling making the law of attraction come into fruition?  If you are doing everything right yet still struggling,  this video may explain why.

Having watched Bob Proctor in this video,  it clearly let me understand how there can be a gap between learning the law of attraction and actually seeing things change.

The subconscious mind can carry old beliefs which we already know. 

How you change them is through repetition of the new belief.  Without this re-programming, we still revert back to those old beliefs which explains why lottery winners end up losing all their money and indeed why successful weight loss people put weight back on so easily.

Watching this video makes sense of how to do it and how to go ahead and make your dreams become more believable.

A tool which I love to use and refer to to help with this is called Mind Movies.
You get so much more than just a piece of software but what you will find is this: Creating a movie vision board which you can watch over and over with motivating music and affirmations will programme the mind.

You can do this.  You know you can already.  Yet you need to understand this little gap in between and then watch yourself fly!  Amazing stuff!

To find out more (and get some free stuff) from Mind Movies click here

Much love

Louise xoxoxo

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