Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Dear Daddy - I miss you this Christmas

This Christmas I feel like I’m having a struggle.  Why?  Good question – I’m not sure but likely a myriad of reasons.

Dad has been gone now for 3 Christmas’ and this one feels tough.  Perhaps it’s my journey I’m on, maybe it’s my own future having had a shake up that has made me feel this way, I’m not sure.

At the card shop, when I was buying the Christmas cards, a simple one with “Dad” on it saw my hand reach out and pick it up.  I bought it. I’ve written to him.

“Dear Dad

I know this might be a bit daft. But Christmas isn’t the same without you.  I wish you were here.  Not for you, of course. As I know things are better where you are.  But I want you here for me.  To help with mum.  I want to make you Tomato soup for your starter and to warm your roll in the oven.  You always appreciated these efforts. 
We never throw the sweet wrappers at each other anymore in a game of catch.  Things just aren’t the same.

But I know you are up there working your magic.  I can feel things shifting. Thanks Dad.  Life is on the cusp and it’s very nearly ‘my time’.
On Tuesday I sing in the chapel – in the choir.  Remember when we went?  Just 6 weeks before you passed.  I said I would be singing there.  Took me 2 years but this one is for you.  You’ll love ‘Glory, Glory, Glory’.  Do your trick with the lights again?  Like you did in March when we sang Oh Danny Boy. I love it when you remind me you’re not gone.  I know you never told me, but I love you Dad.

Bubba xxx”


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