Sunday, 14 March 2021

Bluewater is empty during lockdown

 Apple Genius bar is still open. Thank goodness.

My desktop Mac is having some difficulty with waking up to enough speed to keep up with it's younger version of the laptop. Well, since starting my Doctorate, I've realised, a couple of screens is essential. 

I was excited to drive, to wear my sunglasses, to sing loudly and to feel like a little bit of 'normal' life was going to be a part of my day. Since my daughter has been unwell (see the story here) I have not left her side. But I made sure she was comfortable and not going to leave her room in the duration I was away at the huge, beautifully designed shopping centre called Bluewater. 

Walking through the centre, I was shocked. it was completely empty. silent. I could hear my footsteps. 

as I snapped photos to share with you here, I was thinking. I sent a silent voice from within my head to the shops, the upturned chairs, the darkened rooms, "it won't be long."

The plan to open is April 12th. Let's hope that is the case. 

This was the best day ever. Started full of love, the sun shone, the music was amazing, I lost my voice with singing (always a good sign), the Apple staff were amazing as always, and I did grab a takeaway Starbucks too. Perfect.  Life is good. It's coming back to us in Kent. 


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