Monday, 30 March 2015

Guest Blog by Artist Trisha Wood

Giving into the inner artistic voice

The spiritual me was loving the reiki,  reflexology and all the lovely lotions and potions I was dealing with.  

Making people feel wonderful and making a difference definitely had its amazing side.  Yet,  every day, my fingers were tempted to pick up the brushes and begin once again with my artwork.  

Clearing away some more lusciously scented aromatherapy towels,  I breathed in deeply.  Letting go of that breath came a big smile with it.  Another enjoyable morning.  Another chance not to paint.  What was stopping me?



No, none of those.  I knew I had something that people could love.  Let’s face it, art is art.  There is no right and wrong.  It just is.  It’s art.  An expression of ones inner self.  Never has a moment passed when I haven’t wanted to be creating.

Just for the sheer fun of it, I picked up my brush and decided to sweep it across a piece of white parchment paper I had in the cupboard.  Where was this piece going?  I had no idea.  I just felt as though it wasn’t only the piece of paper that had been in hiding too long, it was me too.

Feeding my soul with my art, I wondered if others could enjoy what I created too.  

Piece after piece I showcased in the safety of my friends and family via facebook.  Rave reviews followed.  I was thrilled.  Some were artists, some had no idea but gave the pictures a thumbs up and quoted,
“I’m not an artist Trisha but I do love your work.”

So, if I loved it, and it was pleasing to the eye,  what was holding me back?  There was a limiting belief which decided I must begin to work on.

While still enjoying the reflexology I was practicing, I put out some feelers.  Next thing I know I have an exhibition,  then a commission  - yes! People wanted my art! People wanted to pay money for my art.  More and more, later and later into the night I painted.  Then I gathered interested parties together and created a workshop.  We played with paints and credit cards as opposed to brushes.  I was creating the life of my dreams.  Just as I had wanted to believe so many times before but that good old fashioned ‘sense’ got in the way. 

Finding it hard to believe where I have come in this past year.  A finalist for a business award,  now nominated for another award for which I am truly humbled!
My work is now displayed for sale on the internet through the amazing company Thumbnail Media.  There are still commissions flying into my inbox.

The kindness of Dame Kelly Holmes has delighted me.  Coffee after coffee, I waited patiently to speak to her as she was in a local coffee shop for the grand opening! Cafe 1809. Her own shop too! I was thrilled that she spoke in length to me.  Outstandingly,  she agreed when I offered to paint a picture for her! 

Dreams come true.  

They really do.  My art is going from strength to strength and I am totally focused on creating the dream life that had alluded me for so long! I’m thrilled to share my story here and I would love you to follow me as I go from place to place showing my art!

See all my links below for more from me. I would love to connect with you.  Let me know if you have an art story to share too!



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