Writing in my head always happens. Always. As I sit silently on my sunbed I hear the rushing of the waterfall, the lapping of the wind on the flag above and I think. Think and write.
Watching families arrive at the pool with excitement. The day ahead promises more sunshine. Children screech in anticipation of the cool water of the swimming pool. I observe.
Constantly writing in my head the scenes my eyes witness. Wishing for a keyboard to write it on. Darn, I wish I had brought my wireless keyboard to write the thoughts on my phone. Easily transferrable to my laptop later on in the day.
Yet, I sigh as I try to remember the views in order to rewrite those words into a translatable blog post. In order to tell all the world, all of you, what amazing sights I have seen.
Onwards, I realize there is another novel inside me. Then another true story of my own to share. I wonder if there will ever be enough time to write all the stories I have inside of me in this lifetime. Constantly thinking and mentally writing.
Knowing my stories were sent to me to pass on, to inspire, to teach others.
In wonder I think about the luxury of time.
This holiday sees me with plenty of time to gather my thoughts while relaxing and mentally write. Will there ever be a time in my life I am able to do this every day? My work is my passion. My passion is my writing. So how? Apparently, the law of attraction says it is not up to me to figure out the how. Forever, I have wondered how though. So this I must let go of.
Money, work, money, passion, money, work. Bills must be paid. Starving writer/artist syndrome keeps so many from persuing their dreams. I will not allow this limiting belief to stop me. I will write. All the while vlogging. Another passion. I love this online life. Better still that it can allow me the freedom to keep working despite my health.
Perhaps that’s why it is a passion. However, I feel the passion is realized because of the health. Perhaps the health struggles have allowed this realization. My Crohns disease will not stop me, rather it will be my driving force. This amazing job I love can respect my illness - allowing me to take care of myself while living the dream.
Today, I sit with my laptop in the blazing sun, unable to see my screen while I lather with suntan lotion and I write my blogs. Putting into words the eyes view. Ready to write another blog. All the while thanking you for reading my words, thanking you for helping me.
Thanking you for sharing my words, my videos, my books. This is the dream coming true. The dream is allowing my passion, allowing me to be me.
You help me to be me. Unapologetically.
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