Monday, 6 August 2018

This is where I need your help!

Good morning all.  

I need your help.

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know there have been many twists and turns in life for me lately and I am very clear where my online life and working career are heading now which is brilliant! This type of clarity is something I have mediated on over and over and I'm chuffed beyond words that I am now clear!

How can you help me?

Recently I put a post out on Facebook which is not my favourite platform and asked what people want to see from me and there was a definite split.
So, the dream is to write full time which is what I now do.  However, I wasn't sure if most of this would be from writing romance (which I am going to do under a pen name which won't be a secret but it will keep my SEO and Google tidier) or from my lifestyle and nutrition research.  As myself (and the Lusher life brand) it's all about making life better and living the dream.  Which for me as an individual means writing those love stories.  

So what do you prefer?  Do you get much value from the blogs which are helping you with health and lifestyle?  Or are you more likely to want to hear about my writing journey and read the romance novels?  Would you be kind and drop me a quick line to let me know?  You can do it here through my email.

Do you want to work online?

Currently I am doing a lot of research on how I can best answer the question I am asked most often,
"How can I create my dream life and work online?"
As I make no secret about this being the perfect answer for me while dealing with family things and my own daily consideration of Crohns disease.  Yet I'm not going to pretend it's easy but I think I may have found the ideal course to show you how to do it. Is this something you might be interested  in hearing more about?  I'd love you to let me know your dreams and wishes. You can either comment on this video or send me an email.

Let's do this thing called life?!!!

Much love

Louise xoxo

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