Thursday 3 December 2020

The Fall of the Christmas Tree #vlogmas

 The festivities begin today as we put up the Christmas tree and decorations!

But what on Earth was going on? Had the tree taken up it's fill of a cheeky tipple it seems as it was not happy about standing upright at all! No matter the angle, it just kept tipping over - so we stopped for dinner and a bit of a de-stress until we finally got back to it and successfully stood up the tree and baubles!

This was a very blessed day as the twins had the day off, we played Heart Xmas on the radio and decorated the house together. I am feeling so full of Christmas cheer this year and I have no idea why (nothing is really going on in comparison to most years as you can see from this video on day 1 when I shared previous vlogmas' : ) but I'll take that festive feeling gladly after the year we have all had!


1 comment

  1. My grandfather was always very fond of nature, and that's why he has chosen to live in his current house he owns now. It makes him feel at ease with all the lush and greenery around him. Tree Services


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