Monday, 17 May 2021

Since when did blogs stop becoming blogs?

Years ago, when blogging became a thing, it used to be more than acceptable to write about one's lifestyle, thoughts and feelings. A kind of journal if you like. Then bloggers, like me, started to look at the numbers and realised that people wanted to learn something, be entertained or be interested in something you had to say.

I get that. Totally. 

Then, blogs started to be the new word for websites. Or part of a website. It's almost unacceptable to not have a blog section on a company website now. Great! I love that idea.  

But... if you know me, you'll know I DO love to journal every morning. And while the pages keep my secrets between me and them, I do love to share some thoughts online too. Here, on my blog and over on my Youtube channel.  it seems all about analytics these days.

We are blessed to be able to work online, earn while you sleep, automate, automate... 

Yes, we are. 

But where are all the blogs these days? I love to read about lives. We all do, otherwise, there would be no such thing as Instagram. True? Personally, I love a good blog. A bit of a brain dump. 

Sometimes, you have to strike while the iron is hot. Just the other day I had a wonderful idea for a blog when I took the dog to a pub overlooking the sea between Kent and France, sitting there, eating chips, not realising they tasted like curly fries, which are gluten covered. Ending up poorly and having to adjust to life for the next few hours. Seagulls ahead, my dog watching the passers-by, the scent of seaweed hanging in the air like fog...

I had this wonderful story. But it has escaped me now. I spent too long thinking about it and over-analysing the idea that a blog shouldn't be a blog, like that. But rather some over-thought thing. Well, no more. This blog is a blog. I will tell you about life, about trips, about the academic journey I find myself on. The fact that my fingers FLY over this keyboard when I write like this (in Starbucks, no less, hello 17th May 2021).

If you are up for all of that, say yeahhh and send me some details of other blogs (which are around), like this. Let's begin to journal more, share thoughts, create stories. If we don't, we leave a legacy untold. 


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