Sunday, 23 November 2014

We are going to see Zoella on her book tour!


We really are off to see Zoe

Typical Pink Teenager and I were enjoying dinner out when she flushed and almost squealed in delight to quietly tell me (she’s great at checking her mood before engaging her words!) that Zoella was doing a book signing.

When she gave me the sketchy details of where it was, instantly I knew where this was going to be and it’s literally just half an hour drive from our home.  Fantastic.  My baby girl enlightentened me to let me know that for health and safety reasons there would be tickets sold.  Not for money making - important fact - but rather you kind of buy the book in advance and then Zoe will sign it as you queue with your ticket.  So, of course we are so super excited.  However, I digress.

This blog is all about your Lusher life,  your dream come true.  

Zoe sure has made her dreams come true.  She is a perfect example of how you really can make things happen.  So, how has she done it?

From what I know (and if you are a huge fan you will know more than me!) she started walking around with a video recorder at an early age.  From there and recording on holidays, she decided to begin documenting her findings on the fashion and make up front.  
What is out there in the shops?  
How much are these items?
How good are they?

From there, she found all sorts of offers flooding in.  Yet it’s not just about wishing it to happen and here in finds the issues with the Law of Attraction at times.  Visualisation is wonderful of course, and neccessary. If you need help with yours click here.

However, Zoe has consistently done the work.  She has regularly blogged and Vlogged as well as making her usual Youtube videos which now see her with millions of subscribers.

Anyone can do this these days.  You tube is fast becoming a preferred channel and I’m starting to wonder if TV might become a thing of the past.  So, if you wanted to get started, get cracking.  There are so many Youtube channels out there showing you how to do the technical stuff.  All you really need these days is a smart phone.  You can record in HD and if you download the “Capture” app you can upload straight to your Youtube channel!

Very exciting times ahead. 

Will you instantly make a million from it?  Unlikely.  Be real.  Even Zoe was still working full time when she started.  Now it’s her full time job,  much the same as many of her Youtube friends.

So,  I’ll report back with photos and show you how the lovely Zoe (surely a Lusher Lifer!) was on her book signing! 

Comment below to let me know if you managed to get a ticket for her signing!
Maybe we will see you there!

Much love

Here are some links to the books the Youtubers have out just now (plus Zoe on pre-order, out next week).


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