Monday, 17 November 2014

Want more nutrition from your meat?

Have you ever cooked a piece of meat, say a chicken breast or slice of bacon, and notice how it reduces in size? It then ends up boiling in a liquid that you definitely haven't added. 

Well, perhaps the meat you bought had added stuff, like water, in it. 
So, the mass of the meat (overall weight) will be less in the way of good nutrition like protein. 

If you are building muscle mass, eating healthily or simply trying to aid satiety (feeling fuller for longer) to help weight loss, you need to pay close attention. 

There is a way to increase your protein without increasing the cost. 

Mixing with some very experienced professionals on my dietetics training, I have learned about a company called
I've ordered from them and have so far been VERY impressed. I'd suggest you take a look. I often bleat on about coconut oil from my favourite supplier Coconoil and musclefood can even supply me with that. 
Nuts by the load...great for making your own almond milk (no added sugars!) and the list goes on. 

It's shockingly cheaper than the supermarkets and delivered to your door!
I'd suggest you check out the website and should you decide to order, enter this code for 4 FREE chicken breasts :

Let me know how your first order goes!*

Find me on twitter: @louiseusher
See this post? The best way to lose weight.

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