Tuesday, 21 June 2016

When you know you need a kick up the butt!

Football. England playing. A lack of Eastenders took jasmine and I to a different kind of TV time.
Each night, we light candles, grab a drink and watch tv for 30 minutes. 

"Want to watch YouTube instead?" Jas asked. 
"Cool, yup" was my casual reply. "Something motivational" I continued.  We found this video. 

Wow did that kick me in the butt. 

Ok so it's not that I'm making excuses. Although if this is an excuse, perhaps I am. I'm not feeling great, lots of pain. I'm trying to sort the house and getting lots of help in for home improvements (lots more to come on this) so things online have suffered. 

How many times have I told you guys I will make this blogging gig my full time living? Not without the effort I won't. So I need to work harder, smarter. 

Yesterday, this happened...

Undefeated, I took delivery of my wheelchair. I can walk. Just not very far. Which means that, life needs to change. 

We all have gifts to offer the world. Or even a passion. People want what you have to give. 

Every comment I get with love and positivity to a video or blog post I've written or even to one of my books fills me with JOY. Those are those air punching moments of "Yes! I can do this!"

Yet, this is all up to us. What do you dream of?  What do you want to do?
Is blogging one of those dreams?
I can help you if it's technical help you need or want. And this amazing lady Tabitha has helped me massively. Click on her name to learn more. 

Meanwhile, I finish this coffee, work on some SEO for this blog post, work a little smarter in order to make life work for me. 

So many exciting things are happening this year. I love to share them on this little piece of Internet real estate that's captured my heart. I call it my blog. 


Much love

Louise xoxo


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