Indulge me in a little self pity?
For I’m sure this is somewhere we have all
been at sometime. Overwhelm!
Wow – I’m sure feeling that my feet are
back on solid ground, in the rainy UK, with more work than I know what to do
with. So please, sit with me and picture
the scene. Coffee shop; (pretty cold
here) with my nice soya latte and a gluten free cake (yum!). Plenty of note
paper, a nice pen and my glasses. My
diary (one is not enough so I consider buying another to use as my day diary
for personal stuff and anything non uni related. Yes, there is lots to do and frustratingly my
fingernails are beautifully long (looking wonderful after the wedding but way
too long to type at my usual speed) as I sit and ponder about life, the future
and how I can figure all these things out.
The Law of Attraction has a lot to answer
for. Not only did it have me confused
for ages and ages (knowing that life is supposed to be joyous after being
raised with comments to the contrary) yet I felt inclined to write list upon
list of how to figure out what I should be doing. You may have seen the several blog posts I
wrote suggesting how you can figure out what you should be doing.
Take me back? |
So, then I cracked it. I should be working
online. Yay. Love that idea. One for a challenge, I decided to take things
one stage further and get myself more knowledge and qualifications. Then the tricky bit began. The real work started. Whoever said ‘students have a cracking time
lording it up in the pub’ had things very misunderstood. University is HARD work. While I love a challenge and I definitely
love hard work, this is frustrating at
times. Not always clear on what is expected
of me or how I am supposed to be learning, I often wonder what the flip I’m
doing. On top of this, I know within my
heart, soul and gut that I need to start growing my online practice as soon as
possible. Yet time is of the essence as
I see to writing the next lab report or doing another piece of research.
Can I be honest with you here? My health has suffered. I don’t find the time to get to the gym
anymore. Eating right is a luxury (and I
know better than that) and I find myself an unwell victim of society. Rushing around, without proper nutrition and
exercise. So while I’m hoping to help
others at the end of all this, I seem to be doing myself more harm than others.
Should I quit? Throw in the towel? Heck, no.
Not without a darn good crack at the whip. Maybe I need to accept that for the next 18
months life will be more than a challenge, maybe we will need to get take-aways
or microwave dinners and I will for sure need to keep taking my anxiety
medication (which goes against everything I believe in). At the end of all this, I not only get a gown
and mortar board photo but I gain credibility.
As a nutritional scientist who uses evidence based approaches to help my
clients. Hoping to bring an end to some
people’s health issues along the way.
Will it all be worth it? Today it’s hard to believe. Yet I’m sure it
will all be worth it!
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