Wednesday, 22 April 2020

I’m now a barista

Ok so yes I miss the coffee shops. Do you?

I can’t lie, I love packing up my mint green rucksack with
•pencil cases ✏️
•laptop šŸ‘©‍šŸ’»
•chargers šŸ”Œ
•earphones šŸŽ§
•journal šŸ“–
•notebook šŸ“š
•purse šŸ‘›
•glasses šŸ‘“
And getting in the car with the music up loud, driving to the coffee shop in the sunshine. Dancing in the seat, tapping the steering wheel, making those other drivers smile with your contagiously happy mood.

Oh, happy day.

But we can’t.
And that’s ok.

We have all adjusted, shifted things. Loads of comments like this are being written about life changing. It’s so different.

We will look back on this time and say, “do you remember when...?”

Fondly probably. Thoughts of the times when we had time to make coffee at home, how much money we saved, we could work in the laptop with messy hair, last nights mascara still trying to escape, wearing comfy clothes and a snoring shihtzu next to us.

The clock ticks in my living room just now and I’ve decided to make another cuppa then get to my exciting edits. This is nice.
But, @starbucksuk you’re perfectly safe.

We can live without certain things. It won’t stop us missing them, wanting them, remembering ‘times when...’ and that’s perfectly okay.
Isn’t it?

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