Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Why have I been growing my nails - and how?!?!

My nails are growing a treat!

Let me tell you though - I do love my gels.  Been having gels as an extra support for quite some time now and they give a lovely smooth finish and just that extra bit of thickness to keep the nail from breaking.

When you work with your hands and/or water it can leave your nails a little prone to breaking low down.  That coupled with some health stuff.......oh my poor old nails.

So,  the reason I have been trying to grow them is this - did you see my post?

Well,  I need to go 'au naturel' when I'm seeing patients/working in the hospital and in the lab.  Due to hygienic reasons.  Now, before I had my lovely twins I was in an industry where our nails had to be kept short and natural so I am used to it.  My nails were strong then, yet we are all using these gorgeous products these days - ok not all of us - and it's taken its toll on my nails.

Thrilled to say I've been OILING them! Yes that's right.  Using oil to moisturise them and it's really working.

If you know me,  you know I'm a fan of Coconut oil and I'm known to rub that into my nails at times - which is amazing.  You can also use on your face for wonderful hydration. Cooking with it is another blog! (Did you see my Lusher Life Nutrition blog yet?)

Although if you would rather be more 'normal' and less like a hippy, there are always Nail oils you can use which also do an amazing job.

So as you can see,  a little bit of length starting here! So proud, so proud! And as a treat I topped it off with my favourite OPI nail 'stuff'
which you can find here*

So it can be done,  then again,  so can anything when you put your mind to it.

Anything you have done recently which you are proud of?  Share here.

Ask believe receive!

Never forget that!

Much love

Louise xoxox

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