Tuesday, 12 August 2014

My camping weekend in England!

So this year sees a different kind of holiday for me.  With loads going on we decided to keep it local and go camping this year! 

Off we trotted to the local campsite on the Kent and Sussex boarder.  A little place called the Bodiam Boating Station, right near Bodiam Castle.

The weather was not kind to us - as I was finishing chatting to my last client on Friday morning (to head home and pack and leave) her phone startled me as it began making a thunder and lightening sound.
"Oh that's an app telling me the hurricane is on its way." She informed me.  My eyes rolled but still, we drove through Kent in torrential rain and out the other side into glorious sunshine. 

See the photos here and you can imagine my delight at the gluten free cake.... 

Honestly though, this was a wonderful break and I felt very tired but fresh coming back from it.  I could write all day long about this lovely place.  You can see my review on Trip Advisor if you fancy knowing more.

Setting up camp

Steam train passing by

Kiddies playing with bubbles!

Harley enjoying 40 winks in the nature

Hire the fire pit here if you go! Creates a proper camping atmosphere!

Cheeky Cricket perfectly perched by the breakfast table!

Beautiful Bridge right near the campsite.  Includes a boating station so we all had a go on the Kayaks

The family, awaiting the boat trip

Main House

Tea garden served gluten free carrot cake and vanilla latte! Perfect

I love a bit of Buddah - Namaste

Our neighbours had a perfect set up!

Needs no introduction!

This boat takes you up to Bodiam Castle.

"Hi Oona, I'm Harley!"

Waiting for the boat to come back

Gorgeous views through the nature

Ready for anything

We cooked our own bread in the dutch oven in the fire pit! 

See the 'super moon' 

While this isn't a sponsored post, I felt a great need to share none the less - highly recommend a trip such as this to get you grounded and do some meditation.  Getting away from the internet and screen reading which we all do constantly is great for manifestations!

Much love

Louise xoxox

Blog reviews wanted for your place? See here: http://www.louiseusher.co.uk/p/sponsor.html First Choice

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