Tuesday, 23 December 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like #vlogmas

Can you believe how close we now are to Christmas?  Tomorrow is Christmas eve and then it all begins.  

The excitement.

The opening of the last advent calendar. 

The chaos! Remember to watch the overwhelm.  It's your job to also make sure that YOU have a good time too!  That's what it's all about!
If you missed my post on 3 top tips to avoid overwhelm then click here

December 2014 has been amazing for me! Clarity and direction coming at me from all over.  I've had a brilliant time at University, despite there being lots of exams.  Actually, likely because there are lots of exams.  I do love a challenge.  Although it's been uber busy in the working world too.  With clients needing beautifying as well as many coaching clients needing help with their own direction.

Plus,  it's VLOGMAS!

If you aren't too sure what Vlogmas is, I'll give you a quick explanation.  On Youtube (you've heard of that I know) there are guys and girls who upload a video a day through December.  All things Christmassey.  Even just a quick post looking worn out from bed saying "I've been working so many hours" as some of my Youtube family have been doing. It's tricky to juggle and lots of hard work goes into making these videos.  If you are a little bit nosey and like to see whats going on in people's lives in the build up to Christmas then go search vlogmas and you will find loads of videos.

I'd love you to go have a look at mine and tell me what you think.  Below my videos are links to other Youtubers who I have found to be totally awesome folks.  All are growing channels so go give them a watch and a subscribe.

I must mention the Daddy-o of the group, Stephen.  It's his Youtube anniversary today.  He has been going for 2 years.  I find him fascinating!!! And funny.  He has grown his channel significantly in that time and once again, lots of hard work has gone into creating this channel.  Head on over there (tell him I sent you) and leave him a happy anniversary comment! Find Stephen here.

This blog is just full of information today!

At the bottom of this post you will see a link to my Vlogmas videos.  Go and see my life, how crazy it's been and all. Plus, if you subscribe you will find I have some exciting news to share in the new year (fingers crossed).

Right so back to business.  What does 2014 look like in the Lusher Life camp.
I'm launching a more affordable way for you to get my help in the coaching, weight loss and nutrition departments.  Now, I know what it's like to struggle and if you remember I am highly trained by one of the big boys who I no longer work for.  My degree in Nutrition is going fantastically and I'm so glad to be doing this.
Online, you can get the support from me that you need.  This is a one to one personal email of encouragement to you weekly.  You will weigh in at home and report in to me!

At the start, I will set you goals and let you know what your healthy weight should be (the most frequent question for clients).  Then I will show you the tools you can use (which are free) to keep a track of how to actually make sure you eat for weight loss.  Should you require more coaching from me you can purchase this of course.  However, for a 12 week course starting the first week of January, you pay less than £3.99 a week.  Yup, for the entire 12 weeks it's just £40. You can book tickets for this in the link above on the right hand side where it says "Eventbrite' or you can click here. 
Book tickets for online support

As it's going to be solely me who will be providing the support, places are limited.  Obviously once January the 1st comes, they are likely to sell fast so I urge you to get cracking and sort it today rather than miss out.  

I'm likely to do another at the end of this 12 weeks but if you want to be onboard for January then do it! You know you can do it.  It's in you.  You just need support, accountability and motivation.  That's where I come in.  Email me with any questions you have before booking! 

Meanwhile, here are those videos for you to see.  I will be posting more all over Christmas. Including what we got for Christmas (and unwrapping!), unboxing of a muscle food order, cooking tips, general chit chat and of course, my upcoming birthday!

Youtube Channel link here 

Sending much love

Louise xoxo

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