Monday, 29 December 2014

What's the best way to lose weight?

Undoubtedly, the number one question I get asked these days is:

What's the best way to lose weight?

The other one is how to get rid of a cold/stuffy nose/blocked ears.

I can answer both of these questions with ease.  Chances are, you might well have the knowledge yourself too.  Although why haven't you applied it? 

Same reason as all of us.  Choice.  We have chosen not to.

Don't get me wrong,  I know we decide to give it a go....tomorrow.

Then tomorrow comes and what happens?  We chose the biscuits, the cake, the chocolate.  Simply because it's Christmas/birthday/I've been good/ I've been stressed/I deserve it.

You deserve the very best in life.  What is that?  If you desire to be healthy, then you need to start making the choices that coincide with your decisions.  This is the tricky part.  
So often, you need someone or something to hold you accountable.  That wedding dress you want to fit into, or that motivating person to tell you how great you are doing or to lift you once again when you are down.

Ultimately, the choices have to come from within you. If you really want to do this and can get all the tools you need to make the changes, you can get there!

Starting Monday 5th January, I will be opening my doors and my email inbox to you.  
At a very affordable price, I will be starting a 12 week course to get a healthier and happier new you.

Click this link for booking info

There is no registration fee or booking fee unlike most.  There is a one off payment with the online course which calculates to just over £3 per week.  If you come along to our group in Kent, UK you will pay £4. 

Online, you pay for the full 12 weeks at just £40 for the whole 12 weeks.  This gives your commitment to yourself to help motivate and inspire you to keep going.  

Within the 12 weeks it would be quite achievable to expect to lose 2 stone.  Yes, a whopping 28 lbs if you stick to the advice I give you.  
So, before Easter, how would you like to be 2 stone down?

As well as losing those 2 stone, you could keep eating and not feel deprived
* Lower unhealthy blood pressure
* Lower bad cholesterol
* Learn to eat healthily in a way that is sustainable and fits in with life
* Find a renewed self confidence
* Get back in front of the camera again
* Want to wear old clothes that you haven't worn for ages
* Stop avoiding people who you would rather not see you with your weight gain
* Sleep better at night, knowing you are healthier
* Achieve goals you set for yourself in 2015
* Lower your risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke

What will you get?

It's important to keep track of all that you are consuming within your day.  I will point you to free apps and tools that can help you do this, simply by scanning in a bar code.

I will work out what a healthy weight would be for you.

Set a mini goal to get you kick started.

Support and guide you, through emails weekly.  Personalised and answering your questions.

A positive approach without wrapping you in cotton wool or without bully tactics.  Understanding, care and professionalism.

Be held accountable each week which will help you keep focused and on track.

Nutritional emails weekly with tips, recipes and advice for basic health needs that we so often all miss.

What you need to do

Weigh in on which day suits you best, I suggest a Monday.

Email me your weight.  The first week I need your height and gender too.

Email any questions, worries or concerns you have or you include lots of exclamation marks when you are really pleased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep track of all you eat and drink on the recommended app.

Sign up on Eventbrite and pay the one off fee of £40 then no need to worry until April.  

If you wanted to get some one to one consultancy without the commitment then this is something else you can do too.  Either using Skype or email if you prefer.  See here for more information: One to one coaching. 

Which ever way you decide to make these changes for your body, do make them.  I will be.  My body deserves to be treated better to function at optimal health.  Are you onboard with me?


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