Why? Well, I've let things slip. Stopped paying attention, we all do that from time to time. My bikinis don't fit the way I would like them to.
There's nothing quite like being held accountable and getting a reward when you hit a certain goal. Even a little sticker to say well done! Crazy and childish? Yes, but it works!
Listening to the other members in the group will help me to help my own clients with their struggles too.
Today, I feel a new me is born. I'm determined to get off 22lbs by the time I go on holiday next in July. I know I can do that! It's 2 lb a week. Do-able. I know HOW to do it. I am super sure I can keep a focus and even with my scientifically-proven slow metabolism, I will do this!
My own weight loss group online has a competition running if this is something you feel you might like to look into. 10 free places for you and a friend to join for a whole month. Motivation, tips, tricks and meeting other like minded people! See this link here to enter and for more details. You can also tag me on twitter if you aren't a Facebook person!
So, it's the start of a whole new me. Are you with me?
I was advised not to goto the gym. I haven't been in so long but this makes my aches worse and also affects my mental health. So I have decided to start very gently, taking my twins along with me to get over the anxiety I feel. Brilliant!
Plus, joining another weight loss group. Plus, I will be doing another Aloe cleanse from tomorrow. See my details of that here. I hope to get a really good kick start to my weight loss on my clean 9. Last time I lost 10 lbs. In 9 days. Awesome.
I'm going to work hard at uni, work hard on my anxieties, drink less coffee...all those things we promise ourself and seldom do.
My motivation? To look like this again in time for the beach!....
With much love from the new me....Louise xoxo
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