Thursday, 31 October 2013

Omg It's official!! I'm a pro photographer now

You guys rock!

I can't believe (well I can due to the Law of Attraction: Ask, Believe, Receive) that my photography website and blog is finally up and running.

It took lots of hard thought and determination but I realised I should keep these 2 blogs seperate.  Im thinking there will be lots of wedding talk going on over on that blog which will be more work related while this one will still be Raw and open and vunerable writing!

Yes, it's all me and you over here.  I'm going to encourage the wedding folks in the photography world to advertise on my blog over there, most likely using Passionfruit.  I really am keen to get out and about and see some places, maybe even take the video camera and upload vlogs to youtube while interviewing wedding vendors.  I'd love that! It excites me beyond belief!

I'm still learning so much about blogging as one of my blog friends made me realise the other day.  She was talking 'linkies' and I'm still to learn what they are - HELP.

This blog was purely to let you know there is another blog to have a look at (this one works on bloglovin too unlike this blog you're reading now!) is obviously the facebook page.

My photography blog is here:

I'd love you to share with your google friends please please please.  Thanks you are awesome!


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