Wednesday, 5 August 2015

#BattenVEDA - the playlist so far

Hey everyone!

As my last Blog post mentioned,  I am taking part in #BattenVEDA.  This means I blog every day in August.  There is a subject you can chose to follow if you like!

So far I have,  although it's just slightly crazy!  For instance,  todays VLOG has me telling you who is my favourite Alice in Wonderland character and why!

From the middle of a field on the Kent/Sussex borders I have found a little corner with some WI-Fi, just enough to pop a quick blog post up for you!

I have filmed and uploaded 5 videos so far and I'll share the playlist here for you to have a look and a giggle at.  We are having fun camping and you can see all the action on the videos.  We visited this same place last year and you can see this blog post here.

Rest assured I will be adding lots of photography for you to see really soon,  meanwhile, here is the latest Vlog for you to enjoy!

Much love

Louise xoxo


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