Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Autumn Fast approaching

Just yesterday,  I stood in Marks and Spencer and took this quick snapshot on my phone.  

With views of browns and blacks,  sensible shoes with a sensible grip, it can only mean one thing.  Buckle up everyone,  autumn is fast approaching!

You don't often find me blogging about fashion. It's not so much my thing.  Yet we all know what we like and don't like.  The colours this year have left me wondering.  There are so many odd greens which I find very unflattering.  Yet I'm thinking with so many Long boots*
out there (expensive but worth it!) it might be time to try on long skirts again, or even shorter ones with thick black tights and long boots.  Either way,  I do feel just a little bit sad that our summer seems to be over.

My summer has been amazing.  How was yours?  
If you followed my youtube posts and the blogs on here you will see we have had an amazing time! The weather I feel has been kind to us and definitely while we were on our camping trip.

So what lies ahead?

In a little under two weeks I start back at university (blog post to follow) and I'm both excited and extremely nervous.  Not about finding my way around or meeting new people, but the level of work that I know it takes to accomplish great results.  I definitely do not have the same opinion as many that students have an awesome life of drunkeness and sleeping in.  I will get there I'm sure but to spend such quality time with my reassuring family this summer has been really so precious.

You will find blog posts coming thick and fast (thank you to all the new readers here - you have put a massive smile on my face as the view counts just go up and up!) and I am also going to create a new blog where folks can share their own blog posts for a little extra exposure! Awesome.  Let me know if you want to be involved.

Back to the words of Autumn

Hoping that the weather will be nice (maybe a couple of days of snow - for the children you understand!) over the winter months, we all find ourselves trying to keep things going that we can look forward to.  I booked a holiday this week (blog post coming soon!) and I'm crazy excited about that! I also have a double 16th birthday celebration this coming winter! That will be fab.  

Evenings of darkness, lit by Yankee candles* and television.  Curled up under fluffy throws watching Xfactor and Eastenders.  A cute dog snoring loudly in the's all to look forward to.  The best bit?  Christmas! Just around the corner, I might well get out and do all my Christmas shopping next week!

Get in touch and let me know what excites you about the changing seasons?  Or does it make you feel blue?

Much love

Louise xoxo

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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* Small affiliate link here. If you buy from here, you are supporting this blog by me earning a few pence from the profit of Amazon. Thank you x



  1. Autumn literally has to be like one of my favourite seasons as I love wearing all my favourite seasonal boots!

    New post -
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    1. i'm a big fan of boots too! Thanks for the comment. I'll check your links out soon :)

  2. Hello Louise, Good luck at University and enjoy every minute of it.

    Autumn is my favorite time of the month. I love the smells, colors and flavors. And Yankee Candles? LOVE THEM!

    Have a great day!


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