Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Did 'the busy life' get you yet? Start PUTTING YOU first!

It's the most magical time of the year here in the UK.

Also known as one of the most stressful times.  How are you dealing with everything?

I'm up against 2 massive deadlines (hours and hours of scientific writing) and I have already completed 2 this week as well.  Literally ten minutes ago I was queuing for lunch, spotted the chicken legs and thought "I know, I'll get chicken and salad."
What happened?  I walked out with Snickers and diet coke.  Will that sustain me until I finish this evening at 9pm?  Unlikely.  Why oh why didn't I take half an hour out of my day to eat properly?

This hamster wheel does that to us.

Stops us putting us first.

Yet put us first we must.

You've heard those frequently used analogies of 'put your oxygen mask on before helping others'?  Well it's true isn't it. And apart from helping others, how about you deserve to be better?  Feel better? Sleep better? Achieve more.  Achieve the life of your dreams.  That's not going to come from working way too hard is it?  Take ten minutes tonight. Listen to this guided meditation.  It's free.  I love these.

I promise in the new year I will begin to make some guided meditations for you all.


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