Friday, 26 May 2017

My son and the driving test.

Having twins in 2000 meant 2017 would always be about driving. 
What's a mum to do? You want to keep them safe, you want them to learn, you don't particularly want them on buses in this local area. Yet yawning from playing taxi driver, I feel a little old for all this. 

Remembering how I used to lie awake at night in those early days, counting my thudding heartbeats, (unaware it was anxiety) I'm thankful to see them grow into adults. 
Sweet twins. Super sensible. Me and their Dad remind them they need to mindread those drivers who fail to indicate.

Who's more nervous?  Him or me. 

I'm not kidding my heart is thumping in my chest and my legs are non exsistant/jelly like. 

Nathan is on his driving test. This is EVERYTHING. We have worked so hard and focused. Despite only turning 17 three months ago, it feels important to get a pass. 
Please universe, get him passed. 

Super safe in his driving, he seemed nervous this morning as he practiced. 

Me aiming to be the perfect parent, keeping calmer than calm through my driving instructor moments. Knowing there is another twin to get to this stage.  Yet it's not all selfless love. 
Spending time as a taxi, taking them safely to the places they need to be takes me away from my life of ambition at times. 

Glad to keep them safe (of course) my eyes seldom roll as they ask me for a lift. Always politely. Never assuming. My awesome twins. I adore them. I'd give them the world. Happily. 

Yet how long is this 40 minutes test going to seem? The instructor, a small chap with a big smile, seemed nice. Nathan didn't even look back. 
All I can do in my moment of worry is type and write. 
Usually social media would be my friend at this time but the secrecy of the driving test means we sit and write a blog post instead. 

So 8:28. He left at 8:10. Reading the number plate on the way out. Then clearly doing the show me/tell me questions as I see the wiper blades begin to career across the windscreen. Yes! They asked him that question. 
Off he pulled (perfectly) and took a right turn onto the famous Tesco roundabout. That's good news! He knows that junction from that side. 

Now I wait...

For what seemed like forever, I watched the cars turning both right and left into the road ahead of me.  Until finally a snowy white car turned seamlessly into the road.  Parking forwards into the bay, they pulled up.  As I watched the examiner creating signals which I could only read as instructions on how to move through roundabouts more competently.  Oh no.  No.  Noooo.
The passenger door cracked open.  Time for me to head out into the car park.  Expecting a sad and upset son, I was bracing myself for how to give the perfect reaction to an unsuccessful drive...

A smile.
A certificate.
Bright eyes.
Glowing aura.

"You passed?" I squealed. I looked to the examiner who said little but a wide smile said everything.
He nodded.  
"Oh well deserved Nathan. I'm so proud of you! Well done.  Oh god, I can't believe it. You passed!"

Greeted with a warm hug which told me I was the best mum in his world who helped him to pass,  we headed off to get him insured as a qualified driver.

Happy times!

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