Monday, 3 February 2014

Wordpress or blogger - which do you prefer?

There is a very popular google search term:

"How to make money blogging."

Have you ever googled it?  Well,  I have and I'm here to give you a heads up.  Most of the 'experts' on this subject who have successfully began to make money online always pretty much advise against using free hosted sites like this one,

Of course, it totally depends on what you wish to use your blog for.  If you are really going into a business which needs to look,  feel and speak like a business then you might well not want to use a blogger website.

Why is it advised against?

The main reasons that the advisors say not to use a free hosted website is because you are not in control of the website and if you break any rules,  your site can be pulled down instantly and you will lose your hard work,  your subscribers and all.

Another reason is because they say you cannot make any money on the free sites as they will not allow it and will pull your site down. (the free version of wordpress-)  (NB: that confused me for ages and it seems even some web designers don't know the difference but is a place you can download templates but need to pay for hosting or web space in the air!) are pretty strict about this.  However,  if within blogger you are more of a blogger than a business and just add occasional affiliate links (so long as you disclose that they are affiliate links) then you can,  in fact pop the odd ad on there.

Google is now the owner of which I feel has changed things massively.  You can easily place a link to your google adsense account.  This means that you link your blogger account up and the hosts will make some money from your blog by placing ads on there and you also get a little bit too.

Will you wake up a dot com millionaire after your first post?

Unlikely, my friend.  Yet if you are consistent with your posts and keep learning all of the time you can very much end up making something for your time and effort.  Of course you can generate your blog as a way to link onto many other of your social media sites and even get yourself a shop going where you can make some lovely money.

Using Youtube will help too.  All of the Google family are just lovely to me.  I've had huge success on Google+ at growing my online audience and as such it makes me feel much more comfortable posting onto Google+ as opposed to facebook where all my family and friends can see what I'm up to!

Writing this little mini blog today has made me realise just how much I have learnt through using the google search terms,  watching Youtube and reading other peoples blogs.  I will write again soon with "How to make money from your blog." which has been written many times but mostly for folks who want to make serious money from their blog.
The way I'm doing it is likely to be far more real than the majority.  In other words,  if you use to build your blog/website (which is very easy to do) and want to post photos and stories of where you've been, what you are up to or the latest make up you have bought then blogger will be just fine for you.  You might make a few pounds doing it and you will love that too.  But it will likely be a few pounds.  What Blogger can give you is a platform,  this is a way to get known to your online audience and take you on to bigger things.

Wishing you lots of luck,  feel free to ask me any questions below and I will add them into my other blogs where we will give you some pointers.

You can do it! You know it.

There is help out there! Keep looking for it!

Also,  I have promised before and I will go ahead and set up a whole new page for the anonomous blogger really soon so if you have stuff you want to put out there but don't want it on your blog,  email to me your blog post and I will add it to my new blog website! Simple (I may edit grammar)...

Sending much love as always for you

Louise xoxoxox





1 comment

  1. I prefer Webnode. I tried WordPress, but it was hard to use. Blogger, the website builder you use, isn't quite stylish. I either prefer Webnode or Webs.


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