Saturday, 25 July 2015

One more week of Camp NanoWriMo

Who's writing?

Are you doing Camp NanoWriMo?  Well, I am and loving it.  My story is taking twists and turns that I definitely didn't expect to happen! The romance is just about to begin to bloom between the two main characters Liv and Thomas. I can't wait to see what starts to happen!

Previously, I never quite understood novelists who explained how the story was just happening as if it was out of their control.  Yet something seems to happen when you get in the flow and it's like the story takes on a mind of its own!

Today I shall be writing more and I will smash my word count that I set for NaNoWriMo of 10,000.  The story needs to be much longer but knowing I have at least hit those 10,000 words takes the pressure off.

My main surprise has been how I have found a lack of motivation!!! Gosh, what's that all about?  I used to sit in judgement with authors who complained about this issue.  I was always dreaming of the chance to sit at my desk and write, write, write.  Although I have now found ways that work for me, doing the one thing I dreamed of could get a little monotonous.  Instead I move around a lot with the laptop,  write with a pen sometimes in my ideas book,  interact with other members of Camp NanoWrimo.

I'm not sure when the book is likely to get released.  I have realised the best thing to do is get the story down.  Edit later.  Lots of spelling, typing, grammatical errors that need sorting.  During camp, it is the writing of the first draught which counts.  Editing can come along later.  I'm very excited to finish my word count today and see how many more words flow.

Loving my writing! I can't wait to share this love story with you!

Come back soon for more updates on the story and some exciting news about my podcast!

Much love as always

Louise xoxo

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