Sunday 5 January 2014

It's time to quit!

Yes,  just as the title suggests -  I Quit!!!!

Quit what?  Well, tighten the seatbelt and hold on tight for a very open and honest blog post coming here.  

For far too long I've been holding back.  This is something I've been studying for a long time - why people hold back.  My conclusion is this:

* We are afraid of what others might say
* We don't want to get it wrong
* If we don't try to do what we really want to do then it will still always be a dream
* Sometimes, doing nothing is safer.

Then I just came across this blog post from someone who emails me occasionally.  He is Richard and he's a coach and he has written beautifully:

"So what if you come from a “tribe” whose common belief is “dreams don’t come true”?  …and that hard work is the only way to get to retirement in one piece?
Or what if your peers, maybe even your lover, all agree that imbibing mind-altering substances is the only way to live, man?
Your instinct will be to follow those beliefs or behaviors because not doing so means breaking away from the “tribe” – and your instinct tells you that’s dangerous!"
See more of this blog by clicking here (this is not sponsored but fits beautifully in with my blog I'm writing here).

So what about me?  
Little ol me... how does this affect me? 

There's something I must tell you.  Maybe you will relate and feel the same too.

I've had a situation for some time now.  In 2009 something happened 'to' me.  I'm still not sure what.  Yet doors began to really open for me.  It was the most odd thing ever.  I got really unwell......(like a clearing) and my mind opened up to totally new stuff.  New ways of thinking. Ways that were alien to me.  Just as Richard says in his blog post.....sometimes we are taught to white knuckle ride life to get to retirement in one piece and be thankful for it.
Beginning to question life and what the flip was going on,  I started reading books that 'called' to me.  Then something struck me: 

I was in fact able to enjoy life!

No way?

Yes!  The meaning of life was JOY.

To me, this was just amazing and honestly life sure did change.  Now, we all have had dreams and all kept them in mind but doing something about it is something different.  Even the idea that I could live out the life of my dreams left me more than confused.  I was questioning everything.

I wrote a blog (click here) about why people take action on a dream.

So here I am,  5 years on..............5 years on.........lots has happened.  Life has changed.  I have changed.  Yet still, I walk on egg shells with those old beliefs haunting me.

Go away Old Beliefs.

So, I quit.

I quit from stopping following my dreams.  From now on,  within this blog,  you will see me talking about matters of the heart and taking action and making my life happen.  I believe I have lots to share that can make a difference to YOU and I really want to make my life purpose sharing the findings from You tube and the internet from other gurus who are teaching me.
Also,  I have been told in no uncertain terms by a dear online friend of mine,
"You don't want to be an author,  you ARE an author.  You are on amazon already,  you have a successful blog,  now go write those other books."

To which I replied,
"Yes, it's really my dream."

So now I have figured out what has been holding me back and I have decided to really go for it.  If I never do it,  I'll never know how amazing it can be.

Books I'm currently writing are:
"IVF- Happiness in Vitro?" which tells the story of my IVF journey which is both hilarious and tear jerking at the same time.
"Journey into my life purpose" which is a journal type book showing practical tips and advice on how to grow an online audience.  This is also very honest and I rant at the bad days and celebrate the good.

Following these books I'm pretty sure I will go down more of a path of novels but based on Law of Attraction and also have the romance genre following through.  I am totally excited about this idea and I would love you to come onboard and support me in this journey to success.  Currently, I'm only featured on Amazon but via Smashwords will be getting onto WH Smith,  Barnes and Noble, Kobo and others.

I'm very excited about this.  Now here's the deep bit.

All the while I'm trying hard to smother the fires of desire I have felt very unhappy.  This has affected many areas of my life and it's time to stand up and say "I'm going to give it a blinking good try!"

It's time.  I'd love you to support me.  Follow my blog, my youtube channel, my twitter and see if you can spot a difference in how things now go forward.

Needless to say,  while writing books, there is always a lack of income so if you feel you would like to sponsor this blog you can do by clicking the sponsor tab.  I'd love to have you onboard.  Currently,  this blog is attracting 300 visitors a day (pretty impressed with that,  thanks audience.)

So for now,  signing out (Thanks for reading this far) and I hope you get some use out of the links I will share and the ramblings of my book writing journey that I would love to take you on with me.

Much love from

Louise the Author!

First Choice

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