Hey folks
Just wanted to write a quick check in. I've been really humbled lately at how many of you are sending me messages of praise. It's so lovely to get positive feedback from all of you and I really appreciate it.
As with all bloggers and business people everywhere, lots and lots of work goes into providing an online service - like this and I'm still very much working 'out there' in businesses helping with advice and strategy. Passionate about this work, I wake every day full of excitement for my day and I'm so happy with my latest client. You may have seen me post, he has increased his profit so dramtically within 5 days that we are now meeting once a month and I'm taking care of his blogs, newsletters and mentoring also once a month. He has found his investment more than took care of itself and he no longer feels alone in his business.
Bringing home a dream for me, I'm pretty much like the area manager that independent business owners lack. Previously in my 20's I was reliant on Area Manager for support and really needed this as the operations manager of a big BIG project. Ok, this is too much about me and I would love you to keep reading - now let's talk about improving your life.
NB: Notice how I didn't say, "I don't want you to stop reading" instead I used, "I would love you to keep reading." These tweaks in your everyday language will help you towards the life of your dreams. Honestly. My life has changed so much and if you had told me 2 years ago where I would be today, I'm not sure I would have thought you were telling the truth!
If you would love to start making your dreams come true I do still have some limited one to one slots for online help. Although there is LOADS of free stuff out there for you, here are some links: Come on over and join us.
And of course you can sign up on the right hand side of this page for my newsletter. This will get you my audiobook into your inbox within a couple of weeks.
I'll let you have a little secret as you have read this far, Don't buy my amazon book just yet. That's right.... DONT! Haha, no I haven't gone crazy but I'm adding to the book to give you better value. I will be adding real stories of manifestations onto the Basics to the Law of Attraction and it will be available to purchase also as a real book as lots and lots of you have told me you like a REAL book :O) No problem, leave it with me, this sure is a lovey but busy time right now for me in between helping people with their business, blogging, vlogging and travelling.......not forgetting of course the manifestations.
I'm currently working on my biggest life changing manifestations. Would you like to know about it? I'm keeping it just for those who email me louise@stranddesigns.co.uk right now but I am privately VLogging it and may load to youtube in the future, may just keep it for you lucky few.
Let's keep in touch. Once again, thank you. You're awesome and you make me happy :O)
Much love
Louise x
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