Hey! So many of you really seemed to enjoy the first part of the short story I wrote about Ruby finding her dream job http://lusherlife.co.uk/2013/03/27/923/ and sadly for me, the second part disappeared into cyberspace. However, we can't leave Ruby sitting there can we! (statement not question). I'm hoping that you will all take away a little bit of FREE coaching from this story. It's a different, yet interesting way to 'get the point' without asking you to read reams and reams of 'do this/don't do that'. Let's face it, we mostly ignore the don'ts anyway..... {Cheeky giggle} So go ahead and see how you can use this coaching in your life. If you want more help from me, just please ask....my door is open.
Ruby agreed with Ted that in fact the commuter, 9-5er was not her ideal of living, although it was something she could more easily grasp the hang of. Why? Because it fitted with the ideal that she had been programmed to believe. This must be the right way?
Shifting her pert bottom slightly more to the middle of the chaise-longue she continued to listen.
"Now think for a minute Ruby, think back to when you were a child. What would you do all day long? But happily?" Ted asked in a firm yet soft manner. Ruby felt comfortable with this question. After a minute of eye rolling to the lightbulbs she announced,
"I really loved playing the keyboard. Loved it so much I would sit there all day long. I would put on a piece of music I liked and try to find the first note. I always found it easy to go up and down the keys depending on the melody line. I loved playing the keyboard. I'm sure I remember Dad telling me one day I would have lessons. Though i'm pretty sure I chose dance lessons instead. I expect I was better at dance than the keyboard."
"Ok, so were you any good at it? Could you teach it or be a concert pianist? Were the practical skills in place to make this your dream job?" Ted asked inquisitively.
"No way!!" Ruby laughed, "I didn't even really learn how to read music properly." She pondered for a minute as she tried to remember what she had learnt in school music classes.....
'Every good boy deserves football? F>A>C>E??'
She really wasn't sure but, something like that.
"Hmm, the other thing I loved...." Ruby started with a twinkle of delight in her eye, "I loved writing. I would write all the time, practising my handwriting. Tried out lots of different styles too. I can still write in lots of different styles now. Oh, I remember now, I used to make posters out of a kind of bubbly type of writing... like a 3d sort of effect. Letters, I used to write lots and lots of letters. For years I kept a detailed journal too. I loved writing that sort of stuff. In fact I still do really."
Ted brought Ruby back from dreamland where she was sitting on a cloud of writing heaven. "Brilliant! Ever written pieces for publication?"
"Oh God of course! There were many poems I won competitions for, loads got into print. I was always doing stuff like that." Ruby matter of factly stated.
Quietly and calmly, trying not to demonstrate the excitement of finding the Holy Grail Ted asked, "Hmm, interesting Ruby. Ever thought about writing for a living?"
"Like an author you mean? Or do you mean like writing copy for websites and leaflets and stuff?"
"Yes Ruby like, that thing that makes your heart sing, that thing that made the twinkle just appear in your eye. The thing that could keep you up all night and you wouldn't realise how tired you are. Whatever it is that you would enjoy doing even if there was no money involved."
"Well, that might well be novels then, hmm, yeah well I've written two of those already. Did them one winter when I was bored and work was quiet. Tho I have no idea where the manuscripts are now. But yes, I really did love doing that. That's 'my thing' that's the thing I'm kind of famous for among my people. Well, that and giving them advice of course." She chuckled from her belly. Not realising the discovery that had just been made.
Ruby was now on her way to becoming a published author. She had no idea this was just about to be suggested to her. Although when she looked back to this moment, she would never forget that italian white leather furniture and the contrasting tram lines ironed up the shin of Ted's otherwise perfect suit.
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