Thursday 26 December 2013

Did you take photos this Christmas time?

Happy Boxing day everyone!

So who amongst you are budding photographers?  Did you take lots of photos yesterday?  The traditional ones of the family at dinner,  opening presents,  presents under the lovely decorated tree?

I'd love to see them if you'd like to share.

Shamefully,  I didn't pick up my camera once.  I can't quite believe it really.  Although I did take a couple of personal videos snapshotted through the day.  My lovely twins are at the age where they simply don't want to be broadcast all over the internet which is fair enough  (must write a post on what not to do to your teenagers!) but they will allow me - with a promise attached- to take video for personal use to look over when I'm sat in my rocking chair.  

I never break  a promise and they know that.  

So,  over to you.  How was your Christmas?  What did you enjoy about it?

For me this year,  the best thing was us all being together.  Last year for one reason or another we were all spread over various parts of the country and it was simply not like Christmas.  Literally brought an amazing meaning to  "All I want for Christmas is you".

With my family together,
Electricity (lots of locals lost power in the storms)
Family together (already mentioned!)

I was a very happy lady.

One problem was my intestinal issues,  they struggled.  Then again,  most people likely struggled too! Makes me even more determined to help people in the new year with the diet issues.   I must get back to working online more to get organised.  It's been so difficult the past 2 weeks with the day job,  family commitments and all but it's all a work in progress and I'm so happy to see that my stats have still been climbing and climbing and unless you tell me you are reading I won't know who you are but I want to say a massive Thank you for your continued support.  You have no idea how much it means to me and it keeps me here,  spreading the Lusher Life word to help as many people as possible understand that you can have an amazing life.

Happy Christmas everyone.

Louise xoxoxox


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